Doan Pendouris

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  • Full Name: Doan Pendouris Guardia I (deceased)
  • Born: September 28, 2237 AD
  • Birthplace: Arris, Guardia
  • Sex: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Hair: White, balding (was black)
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 5'9"


  • Religion: Spekkian
  • Title: King of Guardia
  • Nicknames: The Restorer King
  • Hobbies: Model shipbuilding, writing
  • Known Skills: Adept pilot (jetbikes and Epoch fighters), consummate diplomat, knowledgeable in military tactics


Doan was born in the year 2237 in the midst of the Arris Syndicate era. During this time, Arris' rivals in other syndicates (Trann and Proto Syndicates mostly) began to rise in power and become more brazen in their defiance of mighty Arris. As a youth, Doan watched his father weave in and out of tight situations with diplomacy as his chief instrument. From his father Doan learned the value of diplomacy; he learned that war was not a means to an end, but rather the last option when all the stops have been pulled. In 2260, Doan's father died and the torch was passed on. As director of the Arris Syndicate, Doan found himself in the unique position to feel irked by the heirs of the late King Guardia the Impotent, who had adopted heirs due his inability to conceive them. Doan felt it was wrong that the Crown, the symbol of the nation he loved, was now worn by men who were not of Guardia's line.

In 2270, with the rise of Taalib Morris to the directorship of the Proto Syndicate, Arris' enemies gained a surge of strength. Open war raged between the domes. The Kingdom's armies tried to halt the fighting, but in the end they only proved how truly ineffectual and worthless the royal government had become. Proto held a strong grip on the East side of Guardia Proper, but Trann was unable to shake Arris dominance in the North. In a bold move, Natba Ashtear took his armies from Trann into northern Zenan, and tried to take Dorino and Denadoro as Trann Syndicate strongholds. This brought Trann into contention with Porre, whose army had been twice defeated in badly lopsided conflicts with the Syndicates over trading disputes. But this time was different; the Porreans had Trann caught between its own forces and those of the Arris Domes. Porre was also able to fight effectively from the cover of the norther forests and the rolling foothills of the Dorino Plains.

Doan pressed the advantage during the disastrous Porre campaign, moving from Arris and toward Trann's norther lines. Doan's forces held both Arris and Truce, but Trann had always had a lock on the city of Bangor and its precious airfield, once used by the Royal Airforce. With its forces split by the fight in Zenan, Trann lost control of Bangor to invading Arris Syndicate troops in the year 2274. Arris would not hold onto Bangor, however. The city was near completely ruined by constant fighting and frequent turnovers all throughout the 2280's. It was in the year 2289 that Proto played its hand and made a march on Truce, defying both its allies in Trann and the forces of Arris by slipping around behind and attempting to stage a coup right in the center of the Kingdom's capital. The forces were punished severely by Arris, but the cost was great to Doan's forward advance. For the first time in over a decade, Arris troops withdrew from the embattled city of Bangor and rushed to defend the capital from the Proto Syndicate forces.

It was in Doan's return to Truce that he would meet the woman he would marry. The year was 2290, and the woman's name was Kay Lynn Talman. By all rights, Doan and Kay were the most unlikely of couples for the time in Guardia. Doan was a Syndicate man, Kay was a child of Nobility. Doan was 53, nearing old age. Kay was 24, and had the rest of her life ahead of her. They had met at a conference to appease the Nobles of Truce with Doan's choice of military supervisor of the city, who would see to Truce's defenses if Proto or Trann shoud ever attemt to take the city again. They were cliche variables in a time-honored formula; Kay was rebelling against her parents, Doan was tired and lonely from a long life of fighting and watching friends die. The two met in secret and became lovers during Doan's occupation of Truce, finding comfort and wholeness in each others' arms. When Doan returned to Arris in 2292, she would go with him, running away from the Talman house and all she was entitled to as a member of that family. They were married in 2295, despite the objections of the Talman family (though it was believed Kay's uncle, Ibanez, who was a friend to Doan, had aided her in getting out of Truce).

Despite the constant fighting, Doan and Kay shared what would be the happiest two years of their lives together. In 2297, Kay (who was seven months pregnant) fell victim to an assassin from Trann who had meant to kill Doan. Though she died, doctors were able to save her incubating son. Doan would name this child Derik Nadair, and he swore on his wife's blood that he would make Trann pay.

2297 marked the beginning of Doan's last offensive of the war. The Arris Syndicate's armies marched on Bangor again, promising to kill every ranking Trann Syndicate member in the city. The battle lasted little more than a month, but Doan did not stop at Bangor. He pressed toward Trann and vowed to end the war once and for all.

Natba, infuriated that he had again lost Bangor to Doan's forces, met the Arris Syndicate troops gun for gun. Despite their tenacity, Trann quickly lost control of the frontlines. By the beginning of 2298, Doan was ready to declare victory in Trann.

However, Doan's offensive had failed to kill Natba or his closest aides. The Syndicate's leaders fled Trann just before it fell, and went to ground. They did not resurface again until the year 2299, when they seized control of Bangor's central government building. Arris forces surrounded the city, and battle was joined one last time. In 2300, the last of the Trann Syndicate fell, and Doan's revenge was complete.

Doan did not stop by destroying his Trann Syndicate enemies, however. He is said to have had a revelation of another timeline, and a glimpse into his own destiny. Whether he had a revelation or not, a blood test conclusively proved that Doan was a descendent of Guardia, and was the rightful heir to Guardia's throne.

He was crowned late in that same year, and immediately began to reshape the face of Guardian Government. He reunited the Kingdom, bringing Chorras and Porre back under Guardian control, and absorbed all the former Syndicates into corporations and firms owned and operated by the government. He rebuilt the ruined cities of Guardia, able to wholly modernize the once ages-old infrastructure ironically because of the widespread devastation of the Syndicate Wars.

In 2311, reconstruction completed, the Grand Army came to Guardia, and so it was that Doan discovered the Web of Worlds. Doan was then forced into a confrontation with Medina's Ozzien government, a fight which is recognized as part of the KMT War (Kuvalla Medina Ticondera war) which was being waged outside of Guardia well before the Gate Dimension's discovery.

In 2312, King Doan was attacked by an assassin from the OmniSent and rendered comatose. His son, the adolescent Derik, assumed control of the Kingdom then. The Hivans would invade and then be defeated later in that year. Recovering from his coma, Doan abdicated in the year 2313 and made Derik the new King.

Doan served as an advisor to his son from then on. He would suffer the loss of his son at the Battle of Atlantis, and watch as Archbishop Meres usurped the Guardian Throne for himself. Powerless to stop the Archbishop, Doan saw to the safety of his daughter in law and grandchildren until the Xenos attacked Truce in the year 2321. At that battle, Doan was accidentally killed by Meres, who was in turn killed by Sir Toadus, Captain of the Knights of the Square Table.