Fara Somers

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Fara Somers
Full name: Fara Somers
Birthplace: Egmont, Tasnica Republic
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'4"
Weight: How rude of you to ask!
Marital Status: No
Family/Relationships: {{{family}}}
Religion: Raineric
Nicknames: The Mana Knight
Hobbies: Playing soccer, dancing, enjoying the college life. Likes Jazz music. Follow's Egmont's teams in pro sports.
Known skills: Mana-based melee mayhem!
Favorite color: Green
Inspiration: Roxanne


Fara Somers is an average, all-Tasnican girl whose life changed forever when she found the Mana Sword. Currently a student at the University of Albrook.

http://www.kupopolis.com/kupopowiki/images/meta.gif Meta•Fact:
Although I never described it in story, or even really thought about it, when I went to make her in City of Heroes I went right for red hair. -Celiose


Fara is the daughter of Ernest Somers, Junior and his wife, Maggie Somers. She also has a younger brother, Miles. Ernest is an aerospace engineer with the Kuat Consortium, a company man who has been with the corporation since it was formed. Maggie was a nurse in the Great War, but is now a full-time homemaker. The Somers family has a nice house in the suburbs of Egmont, where Fara was born.

Fara is part of the post-Great War generation, having no direct knowledge or memories of the war. She grew up in an atmosphere of optimism, as the Tasnica Republic was rising as a great power and enjoying enormous prosperity. Fara attended Egmont West High School, where she earned middling grades. She was, however, quite active on the school's soccer team; as a forward, she was the leading scorer on a squad that earned two state championships.

Her junior year, she found the Mana Sword. The boy she was dating at the time, Marcus Heinkel, tried to kill her, and then she beat him up with the sword. And then Rainere showed up and tried to explain, in her super cryptic way, that Fara was now the Mana Knight, a hero and protector for all the Web!

...which, at first, greatly confused Fara. Her first question: "Why me?" Rainere's answer: "Because it could be no other." Which just about sums up about how useful Rainere's answers were.

Despite her reservations about her worthiness as a hero, Fara pursued Marcus to a mystical site being used by the Secret Imperial Society. She defeated Marcus, and then used the sword to distrupt the Society's EVIL ritual.

Fara then joined the fencing team, as a way to help train and build more extra-curriculars for her college application.

Rock and Roll

Fara's college life

Powers and abilities

  • The Mana Sword can channel energies based on any of the Twelve Elementals of Mana Elementalism. The Elementals behave similarly to Mana Elementalist Magic. The Twelve Elementals are: Salamando (Fire), Undine (Water), Gnome (Earth), Sylphid (Air), Lumina (Light), Shade (Darkness), Luna (Moon), Sola (Sun), Dryad (Nature), Ofanite (Man), Kethalis (Death), and Althenar (Life). This can be used offensively or defensively.
    • Offensively, the best option is usually to use an element in opposition to whatever you're attacking. Some of the elements can have useful secondary effects as well; Undine can induce freezing, Sylphid can cause aerial shockwaves, and the like.
    • Defensively, the best option is usually to use an element that's very similar to what's hitting you. So if Fara is being attacked by a flamethrower, Salamando is the way to go. Lumina is pretty reliable against most energy based attacks, and Gnome is the go-to guy for bullets and impact damage.
    • One of the biggest limitations on the sword's powers is that Fara can only channel on Elemental at once, and it takes intense concentration to switch.
  • Fara can also "pull her punches" with the sword to land non-lethal blows.
  • The Mana Sword can cut strands of mana, allowing Fara to counter any spell cast at her.
  • Even without using the sword, Fara is stronger, tougher, and more agile then a normal human, though she is nowhere near the Shield's levels. (This has helped her kick mega-ass on the University soccer team!)
  • The Mana Sword can be manifested or de-manifested at will; it's part of Fara, and cannot be separated from her without her will. She's found that even if she puts it down, she can will it back to herself.
  • The Mana Sword can appear in almost any style of sword. Fara prefers a robust broadsword, but sometimes switches over to a zweihander.