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SLCM-Sea, the oceanic branch of the Scandian League Combined Military, is probably the strongest sea navy in service with any country today (although, until recently, there was little competition for the title.) Scande has had a relatively strong navy in most of its modern history, although in the Leviathan War its roles were primarily defense and supporting of amphibious operations. It was not until the early forties that the Scandians realized that most powers had all but abandoned sea power and control of the waves could be had for very little cost. (Especially compared with a major challenge in space). Despite the rise of spacecraft and space colonization, most travel and trade within the Core is still done over water routes

Georgi Tarkov, himself an old Kriegsnavee naval aviator of some accomplishment, argued that sea power could be an instrument of national policy on its own. The influence of SLCM-Sea’s power projection capability had an impact in the Three Weeks War and Kuvalla, and has forced the Coalition to begin building the Coalition Allied Navy. Even some in Tasnica are considering the need for upgrading the Coast Guard or even resurrecting the Republic Navy. SLCM-Sea showed that even in modern times navies can have an impact.

Naval Aviation and Aircraft Carriers

Carrier groups are the cornerstone of any powerful, modern navy, and the principal means by which SLCM-Sea projects power. Indeed, the carrier group is the basic unit of organization in surface fleets. Scande has both a large carrier class (the Kraken) and a light carrier (the Hive); most construction in the forties were the smaller and cheaper Hives.

SLCM-Sea aircraft relied on the Bloodhawk jumpjet for much of the forties. This flexible plain is capable of Very Short Take Off and Landing (VSTOL), and has hardpoints for a variety of missiles and bombs. Dragonwing IIs augmented the force as a stripped-down interceptor. Both of these craft were capable of launching from Hives. However, the Coalition Allied Navy’s challenge to SLCM-Sea has forced the development of a new, high performance fighter capable of launching only from Krakens.

Helicopters are another area in which SLCM-Sea is looking into further development; currently, only a small anti-submarine warfare helicopter is in service. New tilt-wing craft are under development as well.

SLCM-Sea also operates a number of ground-based patrol aircraft, including a few “Flying boats”, to maintain coastal defense.

SLCM-Sea pilots receive better training than their counterparts in SLCM-Air and SLCM-Space.

SLCM-Sea carrier groups are always deployed with screens of destroyers, including the Gaat-type for air defense and anti-sub warfare and the Eraser-type for electronics warfare. Cruisers and submarines can also be attached to carrier groups, but often roam independently.

Submarine forces

SLCM-Sea’s main attack submarine, the Wavekiller, is extremely quiet and stealthy. Its small size makes it even harder to detect. Intended originally as a commerce raider, SLCM-Sea has developed improved wire-guided torpedos to make it a threat to warships and other submarines.

Building on the Wavekiller’s success, SLCM-Sea developed a ‘boomer’ submarine, code-named Silencer, capable of launching missiles on ground targets. The Silencer’s mission makes it necessarily larger. The Silencer’s missiles, featuring multiple warheads, have perhaps the most advanced and complicated guidance system deployed by Scande to date; surely the FTSR, the Protectorate’s main computer specialists, had a hand in its design.

Special Operations

SLCM-Sea often uses its submarines to insert and extract S/31 operatives. Recently, SLCM-Sea has begun its own trial program of Special Operators, the Orcas, to help fight the Pyra trade. The Orcas specialize in seizing ships, underwater demolitions, and other unconventional operations. They are well drilled in the use of scuba gear and helicopter assault. Pending the success of the pilot program (3 12-man teams), SLCM-Sea may expand it to a full-fledged special operations branch.

Military Assistance

SLCM has a policy of aiding Communist Protectorate members with weapons and technology, and SLCM-Sea is no exception. Although transportation makes assisting the Merge League and other Fringe allies difficult, SLCM-Sea has been generous in assisting the Mysidian Commonwealth and the FTSR. The Waterguard of the FTSR has particularly benefited, become a large navy in its own right. The FTSR has even developed an improved Wavekiller, the Wave Zero, which is even harder to detect than the original.


SLCM-Sea wants its own mecha; given the Kriegsnavee’s success in testing aquatic and amphibious mecha, and Scande’s own expertise in mecha design, this seems like a natural fit. However, the enormous resources to deploy and field a significant number of Dracoforms make this a controversial issue, and SLCM-Ground insists it ought to have a monopoly on these elite soldiers. Although prototypes and test designs are likely to be created in the future, it remains to be seen if any will go into large-scale production.