Coalition Allied Navy

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The result of a partnership between the Kingdom of Guardia, the Kingdom of Eblan and the Kuat Consortium, the Coalition Allied Navy (CAN) is a jointly-built and maintained naval force, hastily assembled from older Eblanese and Guardian ship designs to serve as a counter to SLCM-Sea. The force draws personnel from both Guardia and Eblan in order to serve as a combined navy for both Kingdoms.

Unified Rank Structure

The CAN is considered a military branch of service answerable to the governments of both Eblan and Guardia, and to a lesser extent the Kuat Consortium. It is comprised of three component forces: one in Eblan (the Eblanese Royal Navy, or ERN) one in Guardia (the Guardian Royal Navy, or GRN), and a much smaller force staffed by Kuat Arms Experts. The ERN and GRN each have their own ranking hierarchies, as outlined below.


The Eblanese Royal Navy existed as a branch of EKAF well before the Eblanese alliance with the Guardians, and so retains its old rank structure. Part of the reason that the Eblanese were so willing to embark upon a joint naval venture with the Guardians was because the ERN suffered catastrophic losses during the Three Week War at the hands of SLCM-Sea. As an island nation, Eblan has always needed its navy, and the navy has been an integral part of the Eblanese military for as long as any can remember. Eblanese sailors, therefore, are alternatively referred to by either their native Eblanese-language rank, or the more modern Common-language rank. Both are listed below (with Eblanese ranks in parentheses).

  • Marshal-Admiral (Gensui Kaisho)- The head of CAN's Eblanese contingent; a rank currently held by Matsuo Yoshitoki
  • Commissioned Officers
    • Admiral (Dai Kaisho)
    • Vice Admiral (Kaisho)
    • Rear Admiral (Kaisho-Ho)
    • Captain (Itto Kaisa)
    • Commander (Nito Kaisa)
    • Lieutenant Commander (Santo Kaisa)
    • Lieutenant (Itto Kaii)
    • Lt. Junior Grade (Nito Kaii)
    • First Warrant Officer (Santo Kaii)
    • Second Warrant Officer (Jun Kaii)
  • Non-Commissioned Officers
    • Chief Petty Officer (Kaiso Cho)
    • Petty Officer 1st Class (Itto Kaiso)
    • Petty Officer 2nd Class (Nito Kaiso)
    • Petty Officer 3rd Class (Santo Kaiso)
  • Enlisted
    • Lead Seaman (Kaishi Cho)
    • Seaman (Itto Kaishi)
    • Seaman Apprentice (Nito Kaishi)
    • Seaman Recruit (Santo Kaishi)


In the year 29 WR (2312 AD), the Guardian Royal Navy was dismantled by Grand Admiral Malvo Thames in favor of the Kingdom's embarking upon the construction of the Guardian Space Fleet. Only now is Thames' short-sightedness apparent: Guardia is vulnerable by sea in their present conflict with the Communist Protectorate. The GRN retains its original ranking hierarchy, which was the forbear of the ranking hierarchy of the GSF. By way of comparison, the GRN is *much* smaller than the GSF: while the GSF holds a strong presence in six dimensions, the GRN fields a single fleet in Gate waters, with the ability to muster reinforcements to send to Crystal if the need arises.

  • Grand Admiral - The head of CAN's Guardian contingent; a rank currently held by Grand Admiral Tam Larsen.
  • Naval Command Council
    • Admiral
    • Rear Admiral (Hold advisory positions on the Council)
  • Ship's Officers
    • Ship's Captain
    • Executive Commander
    • Lieutenant Commander
  • Airfighter Corps
    • Wing Commander
    • Flight Lieutenant
    • Flight Corporal
    • Flight Cadet
  • Ship Specialists*
    • Chief Specialist
    • Specialist Lieutenant
    • Junior Specialist Lieutenant
    • Specialist
  • Naval Marines**
    • Marine Major
    • Marine Lieutenant
    • Marine Corporal
    • Marine Cadet
  • Naval Crew
    • Ensign
    • Midshipman

*The Royal Navy's specialists are mostly of the same types found in the GSF.

** The Naval Marines are considered Specialists, and are ranked parallel to Specialist ranks.

Kuat Arms Experts

While probably not as large as either the Eblanese or Guardian contingents, Kuat did keep a fair number of the ships that it helped the two Kingdoms to build. These boats are in the hands of the Arms Experts, and are crewed by them as Kuat deems fit. The Arms Experts don't have any official breakdown of naval forces; therefore, all boats in the water still answer directly to Fastjack.

Parallel Ranking Chart

Because both the Eblanese and Guardian Royal Navies are joined under the auspices of the Coalition Allied Navy, their ranking structures have parallel ranks, and when working together the two contingents adhere to a joint chain of command. This chain of command is as given below:

  • Marshal-Admiral/Grand Admiral
  • Coalition Naval Command Council
    • Admiral
    • Vice Admiral (Eblanese; hold advisory positions on the Council)
    • Rear Admiral (Hold advisory positions on the Council)
  • 1st Tier Ranks
    • Captain/Ship's Captain
    • Commander/Executive Commander
    • Lieutenant Commander
  • 2nd Tier Ranks
    • Lieutenant/Wing Commander
    • Lt. Jr. Grade/Flight Lieutenant
    • First Warrant Officer/Flight Corporal
    • Second Warrant Officer/Flight Cadet
  • 3rd Tier Ranks
    • Chief Petty Officer/Chief Specialist/Marine Major
    • Petty Officer 1st Class/Specialist Lieutenant/Marine Lieutenant
    • Petty Officer 2nd Class/Junior Specialist Lieutenant/Marine Corporal
    • Petty Officer 3rd Class/Specialist/Marine Cadet
  • 4th Tier Ranks
    • Lead Seaman/Ensign
    • Seaman/Ensign
    • Seaman Apprentice/Midshipman
    • Seaman Recruit/Midshipman

CAN Leadership

The leadership of the CAN is rather ad-hoc, and is modeled after the Guardian Fleet Command system that runs the GSF. Politically, each contingent force of the CAN answers to its parent government (the ERN to Eblan, the GRN to Guardia, and the Arms Experts to Kuat).

Militarily, the Navy (as a singular unit) is governed by the Coalition Naval Command Council, a body which is comprised of all the Navy's Eblanese and Guardian Admirals (though Vice and Rear Admirals have only an advisory seat on the Council), along with the Eblanese Marshal-Admiral and Guardian Grand Admiral. The Arms Experts are represented either by Fastjack, or whatever deputies or proxies he chooses to place on the council in his stead.