Republic National Museum

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The Republic National Museum, located in Tasnicaport, dedicated to the history, art, and culture of the Web. It has one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of artifacts in existence, mostly because the Tasnicans stole "all the best bits" from their vast empire and beyond -- there's a joke that if you want to see the the Web, you visit the Republic National Museum.

As one would expect, the RNM is without peer when it comes to artifacts relating to the history of Tasnica itself. The Taznikanze wing includes several reconstructed longships, although one of the prize pieces -- the Hammer of Sebedor was recently stolen while on loan to the Egmont Museum of Modern Art. The museum is also the home to the original copy of the Code of Belgememnon, wrought into iron tablets.

The museum also hosts extensive collections from Tasnica's extradimensional holdings. Highlights include the largest collection of paintings by Winlanese masters, early space capsules from Carrion's Web-first space program, and extremely rare totem poles from the early Moogle civilizations in Kuvalla.

Of course, Tasnica's been doing this for a long time, so the museum's collection goes even behind Tasnica's current territories. There is an extensive collection of Scandish art, Aradian-style Draggoneth Dragon God statues, fine porcelain and calligraphy from ancient Xsia, War of the Magi-era artifacts from the Esper Dimension, and other artifacts from across the Web. Tasnica and the museum claimed they saved these "priceless cultural relics, the heritage of all the Web" from the various depredations of the Great War. Occasionally one of the various other governments ask for their country's stuff back, and the RNM (with the full bipartisan backing of the Tasnican government) insists that it is an appropriate and legal guardian for their vast treasure-trove of Web history, art, and culture.