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Tasnicaport is the capital and largest city of the Tasnica Republic. It is as much a center of trade and even more of a disorganized mess then when the city was Taznikaport.

Capital of the Republic

Tasnicaport is the center of government for one of the Web's Great Powers. Although the city's population is mostly humans and nekos, every species of the Republic is represented, making Tasnicaport a very diverse city.

Center of trade

Tasnicaport has one of the Web's first spaceports, but in that regard it has been overshadowed by Olivawk and the Void Bridge. Sea commerce remains vitally important to the city, as most goods leaving the great industrial centers of Egmont and Olivawk to other worlds of the Core pass through Tasnicaport. Unfortunately, much illicit traffic also passes through the city's New Docktown. Various criminal syndicates battle over this valuable real-estate, as whoever controls New Docktown has a leg up in the highly lucrative business of purchasing goods that are legal in Tasnica and selling them elsewhere. This has led to tensions with Guardia over the Pyra trade.

Disorganized mess

The Tasnicans have made many important technological and cultural contributions to Web Civilization. Urban planning isn't one of them. In fact, urban planning doesn't rate in the top ten or fifteen things Tasnica does well (Egmont being a possible exception.)

The city is highly decentralized and sprawled out over the peninsula. The Tasnicans have built an excessive amount of highways and trains to try to compensate but this just leads to more clutter. A major difficulty in governing the city is the tension between the local government and the national government; local officials grumble that the national government tends to treat the city as its 'guinea pig'.

Things to see and do

The government buildings of the Tasnica Republic are tourist attractions in their own right. The large, golden pyramids of the Senate building give the city a highly distinctive skyline. The Prime Ministry has two main buildings, the historic Old Ministry and the pure reflective glass cube of the New Ministry, connected by a hall with a statue of each Tasnican Prime Minister. The Defense Ministry is also quite notable for a large, fearsome statue of Zahd that has provoked some controversy; it has sometimes been taken down as certain dovish figures argue that the baby-eating, puppy-destroying Taznikanze God of War is maybe not the best figure to put in front of an important government building.

Additionally, the city is home to thousands of years of Tasnican and Taznikanze culture and history. The lovingly preserved Old Docktown gives a glimpse into what the city looked like when it was known as Taznikaport. The Republic National Museum hosts several reconstructed longships, automata from the Age of Great Progress, and the original metal tablets for the Code of Belgememnon. It also has various artistic and cultural treasures ('all the best bits') from Carrion, Winlan, Kuvalla, and elsewhere--a point of some contention among certain nationalist groups.

Tasnicaport remains famous for its beer and seafood.