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Seagoing naval forces of the Grand Army; organized primarily by dimension in the Core. Although formerly the Kriegsnavee maintained large carrier groups in each Core dimension, the force has been very hard hit by budget cuts. Although it contains small task forces throughout the Core, only the Albrook and Trianable based fleets have retained their old power. Kriegsnavee naval aviation is considered slightly out-of-date in light of developments of SLCM-Sea and the Coalition Allied Navy.

However, the Kriegsnavee is still considered a leader in submarine technology, particularly 'boomer' ballistic missile subs. The Kriegsnavee's subs are often equipped with Ultima weapons, so the GA would still have a 'second strike' capability in the event that Kefka's Domain and Death Mountain were both knocked offline.

The Kriegsnavee was one of the first branches in the GA to make use of mecha, and first people anywhere to develop specialized aquatic warfare and amphibuous mecha types.