Guardia: Knightfall

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An ongoing plot arc that involves Guardia being humbled in the face of its enormous hubris. This will be comprised of two separate arcs that will coalesce eventually:

  • The War on Communism - Guardia rises to meet the threat of a spreading Protectorate, and displays quite marvelously that the Web still hasn't learned all the lessons of the Leviathan War.
    • The Fall of Bal and Surgate - Guardia's principle ally in the Merge Dimension falls to a socialist rebellion among the werewolves of Quelb. Surgate and the Merge League conspired with the Protectorate to smuggle Scandian-made weapons to the Quelban rebels, including a Dracoform, which was used in the final siege that toppled the Balian government. This in turn lead to Guardia's intervention in Merge, imposing a blockade on all incoming and outgoing space travel and landing troops in the dimension to aid the Balian exiles in invading the Kingdom of Surgate.
    • Reconquest of Bal - With the Balians in control of Surgate, Guardia and Eblan will muster their forces in Surgate, and prepare for a massive invasion of Quelb-controlled Bal. The Merge League, cut off from the rest of the Protectorate, will be left on its own to defend socialist Quelb.
    • The Defense of Worus - On Merge World I, the Merge League schemed to use the blockade and the war on World II as a smokescreen to cover their invasion of the Kingdom of Worus. Heroes from across the Web are gathering, for Worus must be Defended.
  • Spekkio De-throned - The pre-eminence of the Master of War (and his chosen people, the Guardians) over the Gate Dimension is being challenged by the other gods with an interest in the world of Gate and its people. The Six Dragon Gods and Fate are gunning to take down the mighty Spekkio, and each other.
    • Chorran Civil War - Events have been in motion for several years in preparation for Chorras' secession from the Kingdom of Guardia. The Governor and his men are waiting for the right moment to launch their insurrection.

((this summary is more-or-less current with where things stand currently in the story arc. more added as it happens))