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The Organization of Winter is a secretive cabal of high-ranking Scandian officials devoted to locating the six Goddess Keys and resurrecting Tyr. They are not Tyr or Dark God worshippers; they are patriotic Scandians and proud communists. Their reasons for bringing Tyr back are not religious or even personal power; they believe that she will guarantee Scande's security against the other Great Powers once and for all. They are positive that they can control Tyr once she is resurrected.

Three men stand atop the organization:

  • Boris Dalienin is the leader of the organization. As one of the few surviving "original revolutionaries", he is the number two man in the All-Union Communist Party (of the Dragon Dimension). He found a Goddess Key shortly after the Dawn Revolution, which gave him the idea to gather all six.
  • Ivan Gletkin, S/31 Chief, an efficient bureaucrat who earned his post partly with Dalienin's influence. He has used S/31 to help gather the keys.
  • Dorath Haggard, Commandant of the Crucible and the organization's main contact with the Scandian League Combined Military. Haggard has helped identify promising young officers who can then be tasked with "side missions" for the organization's goals in the field.

The Organization also has a mysterious contact with the Celpo, whom they simply call "Our Friend". He provided the Organization with its second Goddess Key.

The Organization has attempted to extract information about the whereabouts of one of the key's from Imbehl, a Graulemn who claimed knowledge of the keys. Imbehl almost certainly would've been executed a long time ago if the Organization didn't think he had something useful. They have tried to extract information from him with torture and drugs, and neither have worked. Imbehl repeatedly says that he will give up what he knows in exchange for being set free, and the Organization doesn't really want to do that.

The Organization also extracted Erin Koonman, a Tyranid living in Egmont. Although they haven't shared much of the conspiracy with her, she has been very receptive and helpful. The Organization totally plans on killing her once they get what they need, because she's obviously too dangerous to let live.

S/31 spetsnatz Sonya Helcova and Dracoforms Service pilot Kretya Rodenko have been used as the organization's gophers, but they are unaware of the conspiracy's existence.