The Crucible

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The Crucible, located near Arad is the officer training school of the Scandian League Combined Military. No one who witnessed the Scandian League Combined Military`s performance in the Leviathan War can doubt the effectiveness of the college. The Crucible is located in the harsh Arad desert, and students are subjected to constant political indoctrination as well as military instruction. Cadets are under constant scrutiny. This is certainly one of the Web`s most stressful colleges, as SLCM cadets have the highest washout rate of any major military. Most military academies push their cadets to their mental limits; the Crucible actively tries to break them. Instructors are much more likely to severely punish small transgressions than their Guardian, SRAN, and GA counterparts.

It is well known now that the Scandians emphasize night tactics and combat engineering. Most students study a semester at the Gramor College of Engineering, and those considering a post with the elite Assault Engineers study a full year there.

Halder has recognized the importance of the Crucible in rebuilding the Scandian military and has ordered several of the most successful soldiers of the Leviathan War to serve as instructors there.

The Crucible has received more support than any other Scandian college, although living quarters are extremely harsh and spartan. The desert provides an excellent, open practice ground. Since the Dracoform was revealed, the academy has received several and the Crucible is the first military academy to offer instruction on mecha tactics. The Crucible accepts mainly Scandian applicants, although it has been known to admit exceptional students from Protectorate nations from time to time. Applicants are chosen as much for political background as excellence.