Serena Lassiter

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Birthday: August 8
Age: 25
Nationality: Tunlanese
Birthplace: Albrook/Esper Dimension
Sex: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (usually dyed dark blue)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 97 lbs


Occupation: Keyboardist/songwriter of Moonchild
Religion: None
Martial Status: Single
Nicknames and Titles: Sarita
Hobbies: Incense making, Tarokka reading, fashion, Tunlanese musicals, cooking


Serena is the child of hardworking Tunlanese immigrants to Albrook, and while she did not grow up as privileged as Rei and Fabian, was able to attend Wingate on a scholarship. She was a very creative child, a musical prodigy much like Fabian, though her parents discouraged it--they felt there was no future for her in music, and wanted her to become a doctor. Perhaps due to her parents' insistence that she ignore her creative talents in favor of more pragmatic pursuits, Serena has always been painfully shy. In school, she was a wallflower who preferred to sit alone and draw or play the piano. She never had any friends until she met Rei and Fabian, and really blossomed when they formed Sanctuary. She composed a great deal of their music, and was entirely responsible for the group's look--two roles she would reprise with vigor years later in Moonchild.

Serena was in love with Fabian for a long time, and the two dated briefly in high school (one favorite moment of her school days is when they were thrown out of their senior prom for crossdressing: Serena wore a gentleman's suit, Fabian wore a skirt). However, they split amiably, and to this day remain the best of friends.

Serena has always had a fascination with the esoteric, and is a bit of a natural witch, and it is this shared interest more than anything that was the basis of her feelings for Fabian. She feels he is the only one who sees "the Otherworld" the way she does. She has never had any use for organized religion, however, as she believes it entirely misses the point.

When she moved to Bonro with Rei and Fabian, Serena used her occult knowledge to great success, working in a magic supply shop. It's her dream to one day open such a shop for non-traditional magic workers, whom she feels are vastly underserved by the booming mass magic industry. She had a nice sideline reading Tarokka cards at the Banque, though she will likely have to stop now that the band has finally moved up in the world.