Minions of Sung Chiang
The Minions of Sung Chiang were five mortals who were thieves, spies and assassins in life. Their crimes against the Patron of Thieves compelled him to imprison them all in his dungeon, where Sung Chiang's daughter Mai would torture them for all eternity.
Sung Chiang stripped the Minions of their names and identities, save for one written character each. Thus the Minions thereafter knew their names only as Phi, Chi, Sho, Tau and Mu. He then dispatched them to the newly opened worlds of the Web to find prophecies and predictions that corroborated or clarified Genruo's Canon of Changes prophecy.
The First Piece
Sho was assigned to track down a prophecy piece in the World of Light, but Mu caught up with him, slew him, and continued where he left off. He brought to Sung Chiang and Genruo two significant gifts: first, the Book of Mudora, and second, the Sahasrala Scrolls. The Book was useful because of its magical properties of translation; the Scrolls contained the actual prophecy. With it, Genruo was able to clarify the earlier passages of the Canon of Changes, learning that there would be an "heir" in the World of Light who, aided by a "dark god" (which Sung Chiang presumed referred to himself), would collect and assemble several "objects of great power," and then claim the throne.