Web Pantheon

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The Web Pantheon is one of the largest and most influential group of religions in the Kupopolis universe. The Great War began as a war between the Light and Dark sides of the pantheon. The pantheon includes Light, "good" deities such as Tahran, Chrystalis, and Rainere as well as Dark, "evil" deities such as Tyr, Tauroch, and Thanatos. The Web Pantheon is ruled by Uel (or UL), an all-powerful god of neutrality.

Some in the Web actually practice a religion of "Web Pantheonism"; in most cases, this is one step away from agnosticism, as the person believes in the gods, knows who they are, knows who they that they are worthy of respect, but often does not turn to religion for spiritual and moral guidance. (Although, this, of course, can vary with the region and individual.)

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