Vorten Tuinne

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Vorten Tuinne was a Tasnican Senator during much of the 30s. Widely considered a moderate with a record of working with the growing Populist Party, many felt that he would be an ideal replacement in the Conservatives for the eventual retirement of Rhodes Palmerston. When Rhodes eventually retired in 40 WR, Vorten strongly considered a run, but the death of his beloved wife caused him to withdraw. This paved the way for the much more mercurial Franklin Yeats to step up as the Conservative candidate, and narrowly lose the election to Kenny Brackhaven. In 45 WR he made a return to politics to run again, but the election was much of a re-run of the issues of the election of 40 with one important difference: Kenny had the experience of being Prime Minister for five years, and had proven that the Tasnica Republic would not implode completely under Populist leadership. In an early phase of Vorten's campaign, there were plans to make use of gay marriage as a wedge issue--quite personal for Vorten, whose daughter, Kara Tuinne, is bisexual. Kenny coaxed his party into legalizing gay marriage in Tasnica, largely rendering the issue moot. Vorten managed approximately 42 percent of the overall vote, a fairly decisive victory for Kenny. Since then, leadership in the Conservative party has entirely passed to Maxwell Nordsten and the firebrand Aggronor Stonebreaker ("Aggronor the Mighty").

He has been speculated as a possible candidate for the 50 WR elections--there is a small "draft Tuinne" movement--but he himself has showed no interest, preferring to spend his waning years spending time with his daughter. He is still a respected figure in Tasnican politics, and sometimes serves as "the Conservative one" on special bipartisan commissions.