Thunder Moogle

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Line of aircraft produced by Kuvalla, known for their exceptional speed. They were some of the first fighters in service capable of supersonic flight.

The Thunder Moogle 1 and TM 2 both saw service in the KMT War. The Thunder Moogle 1 proved roughly comparable to the Luftwaffe fighter of the day, the LF2 Blizzard, and the TM2 was much faster. However, the Grand Army's pilots were better trained and much more experienced, in addition to having a crushing numerical advantage,

Kuvalla continued to update and refine the aircraft. One advantage the Thunder Moogles have continued to retain is that they are designed for a moogle pilot, half the size of a human pilot, and present a smaller target. The current communist regime has continued to refine the craft, introducing the Thunder Moogle 5 fighter and the Lightning Moogle ground-attack variant.