The Quad

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'The Quad' is term for four laerge cities of the Tasnica Republic and their surrounding region. It is in the southeast part of the Euser Continent and pre-Age of Imperialism represented the bulk of their territory. It is bordered to the south and west by ocean, to the north by the Upperlands, and to the east by Pandora.

The cities of the Quad are:

  • Tasnicaport, capital of the Republic, is in the southwest corner
  • Egmont, headquarters of the Kuat Consortium, in the southeast corner
  • Centwerp, a major financial center resting on the junction of several rivers, in the northeast corner
  • Olivawk, an industrial city and the grown contact point for the Void Bridge, in the northwest

The Quad is connected via a large freeway known as the Quadway and a hypersonic maglev train known as the Quadline. The Quadline runs underground in special evacuated tunnels. Driving between the cities of the Quad takes between six and ten hours; the Quadline takes about fifteen minutes. The Quadline is an express train, with just one stop in each city. In Tasnicaport, this is Republic station, near the Senate; in Egmont, this is Gavalian Plaza station; in Centwerp, this is Hub station near the Web Stock Exchange; and in Olivawk this is Stairway to Heaven station near the Void Bridge.