The Man with the Indi-Glo Eyes

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It was an ordinary night for the G.E.A.C.S., until they detected an incoming object from a heretofore (and as since) undetected dimensional portal, an object which crashed not too far away. It was a spacecraft, a starfighter, containing an amnesiac named Bomber Harris, who could only remember his name and his eyes were supposed to be brown -- not an oddly luminescent "indi-glo" color.

As Harris came from an unknown location, and could conceivably be a spy, the Guardian Ministry of Defense arrested him and incarcerated him at Valleyville. While he tries to unravel his own origins, he deals with life among other "undesirables" in the prison-town, making friends -- such as the mountainous Martin Olethros -- and enemies -- such as Malismo the Eye-Reaper -- alike.


  • Valleyville is still in a state of heavy damage after the riot, with dozens dead.
  • Harris and Olethros are both recuperating from their attempted defense of the town, with Olethros being the worse off, having lost an eye and suffered a debilitating leg injury at the hands of Brer Rabbey and Malismo.
  • Rabbey and Malismo have both killed a majority of the Defilers incarcerated at Valleyville, draining them of their magic to fuel the riot and their escape.