Shi'nayne T'sarran

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Better known to the followers of Eilistraee as Shi'nayne the Apostate. She was a former Miyeritari noble and Sword Dancer priestess of Eilistraee, the sole survivor of House Melaranth, which fell in the destruction of the kingdom. Like many houseless refugees of Miyeritar, Shi'nayne had a crisis of faith and renounced Eilistraee to follow darker gods; in her case, Vhaeraun, for whom she's served as a mortal consort. She is ruthless and cunning, a prodigously skilled swordswoman and Shadow Mage, who is above all a survivor. Ironically, despite her near-fanatical obsession with Vhaeraun, Shi'nayne is deeply misandrist.

In the time of Kupopolis Legends, she is a mercenary in the employ of Zhandura the Merciless, and has pledged loyalty to House Everhate, though given her allegiance to Vhaeraun, this is considered suspect.