Renton Dower

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Renton Dower is a graduate of the Tasnican Institute of Technology, who has since become an officer in the Esper Union Aerospacy. He serves with the KN Development Project as the test pilot of the KN Sentinel.


  • Born: February 14, 23 WR
  • Birthplace: Toroia, Crystal Dimension
  • Sex: Male
  • Hair: Green (natural)
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 195 lbs.


  • Religion: Lunarianism
  • Nicknames and Titles: Second Lieutenant in the Esper Union Aerospacy, test pilot for the KN Development Project
  • Hobbies: Solving math problems
  • Favorite Color: Green
  • Inspirations: Probability trees, OmniMD
  • Motto: "Do you calculate the probabilities of ways you could die? I do."


Renton Dower was born in Toroia, when his father, an airship captain under the command of the Grand Army had met and fallen in love with a native woman while living there. He spent the first three years of his life there, before his family moved to Maranda in the Esper Dimension. From a young age, he showed a great deal of skill in engineering, mathematics, and the sciences. However, his father became one of the founding members of the Sky Riders. He was expected to enter the SRAN when he was of age, but decided to enroll at the Tasnican Institute of Technology instead, on a scholarship from the Esper Union Aerospacy. His parents were disappointed, but he persisted. When he graduated, he entered the Aerospacy. His scores in piloting exams proved remarkable; after intensive training, he was assigned to the KN Development Project, as the test pilot of the KN Sentinel.