Razor Chakram

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Razor Chakram is a bomb-maker of some renown, originally hailing from North Viper, working for Miles Nickel until the mob boss' untimely demise at the hands of Mister Bones. Following Nickel's death and the assassination of Gail Courtry, Razor and his partner Joey Numbaz left Viper for other pastures.

Escaping Viper and the lockdown that followed in the wake of Courtry's death, Razor made a deal with Joss Nathan to get him and Joey out of town and to safety. The payment was working for Nathan, which wasn't entirely to Razor's liking. He made attempts to sneak out of town to get away from Nathan, but his contact who was going to help with that effort was killed in a gang skirmish.

When Allan Seabairne returned to Pell, however, he approached Razor about turning on Nathan, which the bombsmith was only too happy to agree to do.