Marien Othlan

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  • Sex: Female
  • Nationality: Rodan
  • Marital Status: Married (Atrus Crant`za)
  • Height: 5` 8"
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Golden Red


Marien was born to a family very close in blood relations to the royal family of Rodan. In Aryth`s relatively classless society, however, she was given little in the way of special recognition while growing up. Her mother, however, had been a very powerful Tane, as was her mother before her. Expecting the same in their next of kin, Marien`s parents sent her straight to the Glory Tower for training before she hit puberty.

Vigorous testing quickly lead to one inevitable conclusion -- this woman was even stronger in the powers of mana than her mother. One of the most potent magic users, she was quickly ascended through training, and was a Tane in a matter of a couple years.

During her early days as a Tane, an ancient artifact that was being studied in the Tower, a large doorway, activated itself, and a young man by the name of Atrus Crant`za stepped through. A simple man from another dimension, it appeared, Marien was one of several Tanes given the task of touring him through Aryth. When that was over, those Tanes returned with Atrus to his world, so they could learn what lay there.

During her stay on the other side of the gate, Marien fell in love with Atrus. They married, and were blessed with two children in a matter of two years. Marien had to spend more and more time with her work, and was ascended to the seat of Verund Cenrum while their children were still very young. On the other side of the gate, the Great War was in its beginnings. As things grew more dangerous, it was decided that the Gate between Aryth and the other worlds had to be hidden at all costs -- if the Dark Wrath was able to reach the valuable resources of Aryth, their victory would be certain. Together, the two came to a painful decision -- to submit the gate to a secretive organization called the OmniSent. This mean they could not see each other anymore, at least not until the war was over. Atrus would remain on the other side, tending to the children, and Marien would continue her staunt duties as the Verund Cenrum on the other side.

When the gate was at last opened, under an agreement between the Tanes and the OmniSent, Marien was quickly reunited with her husband. Atrus, in fear of what might happen, had never told their children the truth of their mother. Now, they were ready to learn. Soon after coming over, however, the OmniSent that had once claimed protection for Aryth soon turned on it. In the confusion, their son Garen was killed, and their daughter Elayne caught in the Tower, in training. Marien herself was kidnapped by the dictator of the OmniSent, Roland, and forced to use her powers as a weapon.

Roland eventually made an attempt on the Grand Army headquarters in Albrook. The attack was turned away, but Roland fled by forcing Marien to open a warp gate back to Aryth. This feat was normally impossible, attainable only by using ungodly amounts of mana, and after being forced to overextend herself, Marien nearly died, and her ability to manipulate mana was burned from her.

Marien returned home to Atrus, however, where she learned of her sons death. She quietly gave up her position of Verund Cenrum, but her daughter was ascended to the seat almost as quickly as Marien herself had. Marien now acts behind the scenes as an advisor to her daughter, trying to guide her to be the best Verund Cenrum Aryth has ever seen.


Marien is level-headed and confident. Although she accomplished few grandiose feats as Verund Cenrum, she was looked upon during her rule as a fine ruler, someone that no one had trouble following. She was expected to keep that seat until she retired or died, but the cruel twist of fate that Roland delivered in sapping her abilities made her resign.

She loves her daughter Elayne dearly, as well as her husband, and she is still torn up about the death of her son, whom she had never met while he was in his teenage years. She also has a strong sense of responsibility and justice, which drives her to do everything she can to make sure her daughter becomes a wise and just ruler, much as Marien wanted to be for her term. It is this desire that may force Marien into pushing her daughter a little too hard, however.