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Revision as of 13:55, 18 May 2018

Prestigious boarding school in Orlean, a school with a long history of catering to the upper crust. The school is a popular destination for scions of royalty and nobility and has turned our "proper" lords and ladies for centuries. Students learn proper etiquette (how to hold a fork and knife, things of this nature), genealogies of the Web's various noble families, and other arts suited to their station. Many students are also on the prowl for a proper wife or husband -- they rarely have the chance to have so many people of appropriate blood handy.

Notable students include Jacinda Goldmoon.

...and yes, the fact that the school is now technically located in the Tasnica Republic, one of the Web's most proud democracies, does make the whole thing a little awkward.

[[Category: Tasnican education institutions: