Ifrit Atma

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The Ifrit Atma is a forty-foot tall mecha, some four feet taller than the Ifrit II it was based on. The head of the robot is plain-faced and has a single, circular eye in the center of the head. The helmet falls over the top like the beak of a bird of prey and in the back ends with wings akin to those of a traditional helm of a dragoon. It is a barrel chested craft, with large, bulky arms, a somewhat narrow waist and bulky legs. The limbs are rather rounded and have few straight lines. The shoulder holds a large gravitic cannon. It is painted in olive drab with crimson lining. History: The Ifrit Atma was produced in mind for a way that Hannibal de'Zama could lead his forces safely from the front. It included a heavy energy shield, able to deflect all but the heaviest weapons, the largest gravitic cannon mounted on a non-capital ship and able to pierce a hole through a capital ship and a swordcasting blade, meant to enhance the abilities of a mystical blade. Initially, this was the Atma Blade (hence the mecha's name), but after the Ifrit Atma went to Ceriz Altrega, it was the Excalibur, due to the sword's disappearance

The Ifrit Atma is intended to be piloted by the Regent of the Esper Union, though no one has had the title of Regent since Altrega. It is still nonetheless symbolic of the country's leadership.