Guardian JetBike Corporation

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Formerly a Guardian government-owned corporation, the GJC produces most of the Gate Dimension's civilian and commercial vehicles, and is one of the only major corporations in the Web that manufactures JetDrive hover engines.

Guardian JetBike Corporation
Headquarters: Proto, Guardia
Founded: 2300 AD
Founded In: Proto, Guardia
Main Product/Area of Focus: JetBikes, civilian transportation
Locations: Guardia
Corporate Slogan:
Corporate Head/Title: Madyun Morris/Director
Members of the Board:
Prominent Division Heads:
Other Important Personnel:

Seaters vs. Stradlers

The GJC produces two different types of JetBike: seaters and stradlers. Seaters are semi-enclosed vehicles, in which the driver would sit as if he were in a car. Stradlers are unenclosed, and resemble more traditional motorcycles. Most civilian model JetBikes are seaters, while virtually all military models are stradlers.


The GJC also produces several lines of fully enclosed vehicles, including a range of JetCars in various makes and styles. The GJC also collaborates with other Guardian corporations to manufacture the various JetDrive-powered military vehicles of the Guardian Defense Force.

Civilian Product Line

  • JetDrive hover engine (most JetDrives are powered by a SunStone battery; however, newer models are exported from Guardia with Magilyte and petrol-fueled engines to compete in extra-Gatian markets)
  • J1 Civilian JetBike (seater)
  • J1 Roadster JetBike (stradler)
  • J2 Sidecar JetBike (seater, with a sidecar for a passenger)
  • JetSled (three passenger seater JetBike)
  • Caravel JetCar Line (affordable JetDrive-powered vehicles marketed to families, including variously sized minivans, station wagons and family sedans)
  • Zephyr JetCar Line (affordable two- and four-door JetCars marketed extensively to the middle class. Zephyrs come in a variety of styles, including hatchbacks, convertibles and a high-end semi-luxury sedan billed as "the sensible luxury car")
  • Onager JetTruck Line (light and mid-sized JetDrive-powered pickup trucks; fuel economy and ease-of-loading [due to adjustable hover ceiling] give the Onager an edge in competing with other truck models)
  • Palanquin JetCar Line (luxury JetCars marketed to the more affluent; includes two- and four-door model luxury cars and several lengths of limousine)
  • Gforce JetCar Line (sporty JetCars marketed as racers and status symbols; common among street racers, pro JetRacers and middle-aged men with something to prove)

Military Product Line (in conjunction with the GMC)

  • Model C Military JetBike
  • Model P "Pegasus" OT JetBike
  • ATJT (All Terrain Jet Transport)
  • Cyrus JetTank
  • Terasaur AAV
  • Bandit JetScout (for Grand Army use)
OPEN Guardian JetBike Corporation is an open asset. Please contact Scen for details if you are interested in writing for this story asset as a controlling writer