Clay Reynolds
- Born: August 22nd, 13 WR
- Birthplace: Tasnicaport, Tasnica, Mana Dimension
- Sex: Male
- Hair: Light Brown
- Eyes: brown
- Height: 5`10"
- Weight: 189 lbs.
- Religion: Born Tasnican Raineric
- Nicknames and Titles: Chief Executive of Security
- Hobbies: Racing, watching TV, playing cards
- Favorite Color: orange
- Inspirations: Abdiel Zion, Maura Robyn
- Motto: "The world is nuts."
- Clay Reynolds was one of the five people selected by Diamond to be taught by Zion on how to pilot the Seraphim machine. After learning of the company’s dubious dealings with the Seraphim plastic, Clay quit working for Diamond and began a list of obscure jobs.
- When Abdiel Zion became CEO of Diamond, the seraphim pilot was promptly sought out and rehired. He was initially placed in charge of finding and cataloging the many stray seraphim machines lost during the incidents that lead to Zion becoming CEO of Diamond. Clay was also given a second agenda: to seek out “Typhon”, a lost seraphim machine created in secret that was infinitely more powerful then any other seraphim machines thus created.
- After Typhon’s discovery and assumed destruction, Clay was then placed as the head officer of a special seraphim pilot training and defense group. Later he was moved to Chief Security officer of Diamond.