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==The Natural Wonders of West Aryth==
==The Natural Wonders of West Aryth==
Hypothesized to be the source of mana, and as such the origin of all origins, Source is located at the northern most pole of Aryth. At this location, a large, seemingly bottomless chasm opens up into the earth, from which thick and immediately visible strands of mana pour out. The area around Source is enveloped in constant darkness, though the multiple colors of mana that escape from the chasms of Source change the world around them immediately, and their sight is said to be a marvel never matched in nature. It has been said that approaching Source to closely will destroy anyone without the capacity to control the thick strands of mana from the center of Aryth.
The true nature of Source is still under heavy scrutiny, and its exact purpose is undecided. It is, however, a popular place for both tourists and scholars alike.
===[[Bloodbane Mountains]]===
===[[Bloodbane Mountains]]===

Revision as of 18:15, 4 September 2006

Dimensional Brief, Aryth

Regional Influences

The West Comprised of the Five Great Nations: Truklan, Marabon, Camoore, Rodan, and Rein. Since the beginning of Aryth`s written history, the Five Great Nations were policed by a central force, known as the Glory Tower, which was an institution for magic and knowledge. More recently, after the OmniSent struggle and Arythian War, the power of the Glory Tower has been reduced, and most of the interdimensional affairs are handled by a new seat, elected once every two years, the Prime Ambassador.

The East The area east of the Bloodbane Mountains is occupied by one large communist empire, DeLaykrinn, established after a bloody civil war against a rogue group of magic users two generations ago. Most all the civilization of the East is centered around one large, all encompassing city, DeLaykrinn, at the center of which is the emperor`s palace, a large but seemingly plain structure. In the East, the use of magic is prohibited and the most powerful magic users are leashed and stripped of free will.

The Natural Wonders of West Aryth

Bloodbane Mountains

An immense range of mountains that stretches from the northern most point of Aryth to the southern most point, the Bloodbane Mountains have served as a natural barrier to whatever lie to the east of Aryth since the beginning of written history. But the true wonder of the Bloodbane Mountains is its everchaning shape. In the humongous mountain range dwell Zevins, massive creatures that can grow to be hundreds of yards long, that breath magic as most breath air. They are territorial, though they never stray from their mountains, and they are often violent. During their battles (which are rarely lethal -- Zevins often seem invulnerable, though one has been killed on record, by tearing its body in two through dimensional warping) the reshape the mountains, so that the mountains often have an unnatural, disturbed look to them. Never mapped and rarely tread, the Bloodbane Mountain range is a marvel to look at but not a pleasant trip.

Dasan Fjords

(also Tyme River, or River of What Might have Been) A seemingly sourceless river flows from Source, down through the Bloodbane Mountains, just outside of the nation of Truklan, and then loops back into Source again. As it passes through the Bloodbane Mountains and its ever changing landscapes, it forms a series of fjords and rapids unlike any seen in any other dimension. Spanning mountains across, the unnaturally blue water of the Dasan rushes violently across course rock carved again and again through the ages by the monstrous Zevins. It funnels into one tremendous waterfall, however, which feeds into a calmer river as it passes through Truklan. This river is known to most as Tyme River, though to the Truklanese, it is regarded as the River of What Might have Been. The reason for the name is that those who sleep while submerged in the water will be visited by visions of other possibilities in their own lives. The visions of Tyme River can be maddening -- seeing what might have been, what opportunities have been missed, or what you might have been capable can be a harsher stab or reality than many are prepared to see. The millitaristic nation of Truklan, however, requires that all citizens being raised to the rank of master for their particular field pass through the test of the River unmarred.

Marabonian Flower Fields

On its way back to Source, the Tyme River also nears Marabon. To the west of the grand river lies another natural wonder, theoritically grown from the magic waters of the Tyme River feeding the land around them. For miles upon miles from the Tyme River bank to some of the smaller villages in Marabon lie flowers, thousands upon thousands of varieties, that grow in nature in all colors of sizes, thick as grass and twice as long. Not only is the land incredibly beautiful and large, it is also durable -- not hail nor human feet can seem to destroy the flowers that dwell there. The scent of the magical flowers is not only pleasant, but soothing and calming. While in the flower fields, all worries become distant and all stress is immediately relieved.

It is a popular date spot, and because of its immense size, one can usually wander far into the depths of the flower fields without seeing another human soul. Though it is titled the Marobian Flower fields for its location near Marabon, Marabon itself makes no official claim to the land, freeing its use for all people. It is forbidden, however, to remove the soil of the fields without permission.


Until the end of the Arythian War, Aryth was a strictly trade-only world, with no direct form of currency. With the signing of the Arythian Decree, the position of the Prime Ambassador was set up, as well as Aryth`s official adoption of the Geld Piece currency, most commonly used in Tasnica. The transition from trade to currency is actually scheduled to be gradual, over a two and a half year period.


Surprisingly enough, all people of Aryth share various forms of the same common Religion, that being a religion of mana. Surrounded by visible powers of mana and the most thorough education of mana in the Web, most Arythians believe that they, too, are the result of mana, and that when their lives go to rest, they will return to the stream of mana with others. As for the origins of mana itself, some Arythians believe that there is a Creator, or greater God, and are classified as Creationists, while others simply believe that what is has always been, and is not the creation of a singular entity, classified as Originists. Others yet are regarded as Finalists, who believe that, while human life comes from mana, nothing awaits a lost life in the world of death, that a human mind, once dead, is simply dead.

In the written history of Aryth, no one has ever recalled a God or other supreme entity.


As of this writing, only one main continent of Aryth has been noted. If other lands lay beyond the oceans, they have not been found yet. Though voyages have been attempted in the past by Earth Tanes, (one very historic expedition ended with tragedy, the crew and ship never returning) foreign lands were never found.

The mainland of Aryth is oddly shaped, like an oblong horizontal oval. The mainland is separated by the Bloodbane Mountains, which leaves a far smaller pocket of land to the East where the land of DeLaykrinn is set up. There are several rivers that run through the mainland of West Aryth, though the only one worth truly noting would be the Tyme River/Dasan Fjords, mentioned above.

Of the Five Great Nations, Marabon is farthest to the northwest, though only its most distant villages approach the coast. Towards the northeast, closest to the Bloodbane Mountains, is Truklan. To the southcentral lies Rodan, and the Glory Tower is within eyesight of the Bloodbane Mountains to the southeast. Camoore lies along the western coast, and Rein is near the center, though closer to the northwest corner, near Marabon.