Amitam Cole

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Amitam Cole
Full name: Amitam Cole
Born: December 16, 33 WR
Birthplace: Albrook/Esper Dimension
Sex: Male
Race: Half-Hylian
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Marital Status:
Family/Relationships: {{{family}}}
Religion: None
Nicknames: Ami
Hobbies: Music, art, teenage wangst
Known skills: Empathy, telepathy
Favorite color: Black
Inspiration: Fabian Lysandir
Motto: "Whatever."

The only son of Generalissimo Celiose Cole and Shana Cole, Amitam was born around the end of the OmniSent Conflict and has enjoyed a relatively peaceful childhood. A quiet and relatively introverted boy, he has a great deal of pent up resentment toward his father for being distant and fairly absent in his life, and hates the GA because he feels like Celiose chose it over his family. He also hates the constant pressure on him as the great Generalissimo's son, and wants nothing to do with any of it; he identifies rather strongly as a pacifist, and thinks war is pointless and stupid.

Ami has a close relationship with his mom, though, despite his burgeoning sense of teenage rebelliousness and his chafing at her sometime overprotective tendencies. He sees Shana more as a friend and a confidant than as a parent. Despite her best efforts to protect him from it, Ami is well aware of the problems in his parents' marriage, and it deeply informs his resentment of his father. His strong empathic ability doesn't exactly help matters. Still, he wants more than anything for his parents to be happy.

He channels his feelings of isolation and powerlessness into art and music, which he sees as a much welcome form of escapism from a dull, conformist suburban existence. Ami idolizes Fabian Lysandir, because he's everything Ami wishes he could be, and feels like Fabian's the only person that could possibly understand him. He took up guitar because of him and is passing good at it, but mostly focuses on visual art, where his real talent is.

He's a vegetarian (except for bacon, his achilles heel) and identifies as "questioning", though his parents don't know this (or rather, he believes they don't; Celiose, naturally, is clueless, but Shana's suspected for some time). Ami's fairly terrified of how his father would react to his being anything other than one-hundred percent straight.

Ami gets along relatively well with his cousin Jacinda, even if he thinks she's a poseur and not nearly the Real Goth he is.