Alcohols of the Web

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Guardian Alcohols

The Guardians, in as much as anything else, are known for refinement and elegance (or at least pretense of the same) in their alcoholic beverages.

  • Rice/Sorghum Wine- The Guardians distill most of their alcoholic beverages from these two grains, and almost none of their alcohol comes from fruit crops. During the Middle Ages, when there was a massive drought that killed off most of the forests and farmlands of central Zenan, sorghum became a substitute grain crop that filled the food stores of the kingdom, and in time it was used to produce an alcoholic beverage that kept vintners (whose grape crops had died off) solvent. Before long rice grown in Geno was also turned into a beverage that soon became a favorite among the Guardian nobility, and is similar in many ways to Eblanese sake. Strictly speaking, rice and sorghum "wine" is actually a form of beer owing to the processes of multiple fermentation used in their production, but the Nobility in the middle ages chafed at the idea of consuming a beverage that shared a name with the liquor of the commoner, so they insisted it be called a wine.
  • Rice/Sorghum Beer- Similar to the above, only much less Noble-friendly in nomenclature. Peasants in Zenan enjoyed sorghum beer long before the Nobles appropriated it for themselves.
  • Cider- A rare exception among Guardian liquors, this is a sweet alcoholic beverage made from apples, long a staple of the commoner class of Guardia Proper (who had easy access to apples and the means to make simple fermentations from apple juices). A common feature in Guardian public houses, often served steamed during the winter with a sprig of cinammon.

Ticonderan Alcohols

Ticondera is known for its fine alcohols; not surprising, given that Maraks need alcohol to survive.

  • Barron's Whiskey™ - a popular scotch whiskey, produced near Pell.
  • Bone Tonic™ - a popular Brussian export brand, produced in Bone. The label sports a distinctive monocle-wearing skeleton. This is Skelly, the Bone Tonic Skeleton. There are several varieties, including Bone Tonic Extra Dry™ (AKA Bone Dry) and Bone Tonic Grey Label Special (AKA Bone Grey).
  • Delvian brandy - a tart brandy produced in the Delvian Isles, distilled from the acidic juice of the Delvian Pear.
  • Livid Glen scotch - a popular brand of scotch, often found in FTSR.
  • Naked Singularity - 'The Drink What Burns Your Soul,' a very potent cocktail

Tasnican Alcohols

  • J. Koch Beer - The oldest surviving structure in Tasnicaport is a brewery. Some have speculated that the discovery of fermentation is what actually led to the founding of the ancient city. J. Koch is the brand name for the beer produced at this distillery and elsewhere in Tasnica, using "authentic ancient Taznikanze methods for extra flavor." As its mascot, "J K" beer has famous brewer and patriot Leif Samadson.
  • Compleat Vodka™ - a common brand of vodka in Tasnica.
  • Alenol whiskey - Named for the river Alenol, which flows near Egmont, this whiskey is produced by the Kuat Consortium.
  • Many Elementalist festivals require consumption of alcohol, and some are marketed and consumed more broadly. The most popular of these are Feurmacher ("Fire Maker") spiced rum, made in honor of Salamando, and the heavy, chocolate-y quadruple bock dark beer associated with Gnome and known as Gimbron Lager. Devotees of Luna are, naturally, expected to make their own Moonshine.
  • Red Mog - a drinker's drink.

Scandian Alcohols

  • Uncle Joe's Own Extra Strength Vodka - Bottled at an honest 121 proof. Sports a grinning likeness of "Uncle Joe", who bears a strange resemblance to Travin Rumanski. One of the very few products in Scande sold outside the Scandian League.
  • Quartermaster's Gin - So-named because the recipe originally evolved from SLCM soldiers on campaign making bootleg gin. Also used by the SLCM to clean tar and other difficult substances off tank treads.