Pauper's Peace

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Name for the peace agreement that concluded the Leviathan War in January 37 WR. The Scandian League and the Esper Union were brought to the table by the return of Celiose Cole from Aryth, and by the fact that both nations had all but exhausted their material resources. SLCM and the REF were on the brink of collapse; the Esper United Soliery had been almost totally wiped out.

Rudra Tairen negotiated the peace directly with the heads of state involved: Travin Rumanski and Ceriz Altrega. The Scandians gave up significant territory still theoritically under their control, well aware they lacked the capacity to hold it: these included Mobliz and also Doma (much to the consternation of the Doman nationalists, whom the Scandians had promised independence after the war, a rare blight on Travin's otherwise good record of going to the matt for his allies.) However, the Scandians maintained control of half of Hosluftgrad and the area around Tzen; the city's mineral resources (especially magilyte) would play a vital role in Scandian economic recovery.

Both sides would go into a period of rebuilding; it was not until 40 WR that either country began to reassert its muscle in foreign affairs.