March 16th Incident

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Reference to March 16th, 43 WR abortive coup in Eblan. Communist leader Ichiro Mistuhama seized the King Tukhong IV airport in Eblana Royale to provide a landing base for troops from the Scandian League and Mysidia Commonwealth. However, the plot was put down, and Ichiro was captured and urged by his mother to commit sepekku.

King Edge Eblana VIII (who had secretly engineered this chain of events), used the incident as a pretext to repudiate the odious settlement of the Three Week War. Shocked by the incident, many citizens and leaders in the Diet who had earlier counseled that Eblan stick to its traditional course of neutrality and pacifism adopted the King's new policy of anticommunism.

Mysidia denied all allegations of involvement,and was so incensed that another war nearly broke out; Tasnican Foreign Minister Sandra Himmelsten stepped in and negotiated a settlement, whereby Eblanese reparations payments to Mysidia continued under the veiled aegis of "Stability and Growth Loans". (Mysidia made it clear that the loans would never actually be repaid, but the Eblanese considered it an acceptable compromise to avoid war while saving face.)