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The Ingrish were the primary human ethnic group in the interior of the Euser Continent in the World of Mana. Typically, they were fair-skinned, though often had darker hair than the Taznikanze. Their language, also called Ingrish, was widely spoken throughout the continental interior.

Believed to have originated somewhere in Mandala several thousand years ago, the Ingrish slowly migrated south and established several cities along the way, although their migration was eventually stopped by the Pan Dore and the Taznikanze. The Ingrish hierarchy of clans and families slowly gave to a feudalistic order, with peasants serving a local lord, who served more important lords, up to the highest lord of an Ingrish principality (whose title tended to vary). These princes would, in turn, owe their alleigance to the Imperator, but in practice an Imperator was only chosen in times of great emergency. (For example, the rise of a Taznikanze warlord, such as Harsdrubal the Hammer).

Women were usually treated as second-class citizens, but social class counted for far more. A high-ranking lady could expect much better treatment than a peasant of any class. It was uncommon for a woman to actually become a lord herself, which led to her fellow lords to sort-of try to pretend she wasn't really a woman. Since almost all upper-class marriages were arranged for political reasons, it was sort-of expected for women to take lovers, as long as they were discrete. (Sex with slaves "didn't count", because after all, they weren't people.)

The Ingrish were largely followers of Elementalism, and each principality had its own set of favored elementals. The worship of Chrystalis was also common. Religion was regarded as essentially personal; neither of these religions lended themselves well to the hierarchy Ingrish society valued.

The Ingrish distrusted non-human races. Nekos, and Taznikanze generally, were seen as scheming traders who will cheat you out of your money or thuggish barbarians who will simply take it. Dwarf armor and weapons from the Ulmsmodin were highly valued, but dwarfs themselves were greedy and standoffish. Sprites were a barbaric nuisance everyone in the Upperlands had to deal with.

Although the Ingrish had a variety of fighting methods, peasant levies armed with a shield and short sword comprised most of the troops. They were led by nobles, who were better armed and armored with Chain mail; in theory the presence of the lord inspired the peasants to fight better. Archers with shortbows, usually used for hunting, provided a range element; Ingrish nobles with access to horses could employ light cavalry. (In the absence of stirrups, cavalry were mainly useful against disorganized and weakened forces.) And, of course, any serious Ingrish army employed at least some Taznikanze mercenaries, of which the Volturnian Guard are the best-known. Magic users could also decide the fate of the battle, but usually they spent at least the first part of the battle trying to counter the enemy's magic users.

Around the time of Legends, the Ingrish Alliance controls a huge swath of territory on the Euser Continent, and several princes have designs on subjugating their neighbors and building a great empire.