Talk:Stacia Apelbaum

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Fun fact one: Very loosely based on Anne Coulter, who, I am sure, is the favorite person of almost everyone in this story.

  • You realize that only adds fuel to my theory that Kenny = Dubya. --Xstryker 19:19, 5 September 2006 (CDT)

Fun fact two: The congressman I briefly worked for was named Applebaum. I named this character before meeting him, though. --Celiose 18:58, 5 September 2006 (CDT)

Kenny is actually more closely based on Lyndon Johnson. Both have records as savvy legislators but struggle in the executive branch; both have massive domestic policy dreams cut short by their needs to deal with foreign affairs, a realm they have little taste and aptitude for; both struggle with extreme depression; both have to wrestle with the light of better-loved predecessors. And Dubya had only been President for a year when I wrote Pebble in the Sky (11/01), which marked the beginning of Kenny as a main character. To say nothing of the fact that Kenny's politics are probably closer to Johnson's at any rate. I have a bit of a hard time buying this Kenny-Dubya theory.

I concede, however, that the foreign policy struggle in his administration is similiar to that that took place in Bush 43's in the lead-up to Iraq, except the positions are reversed: the doves are the majority, and hawkish Mountbatten plays the Colin Powell role of odd man out.

While we're on the subject, I conceived of the character of Grover Steuber after reading George Stephanapolous's "All Too Human". (Like Dick Morris, Steuber worked for both political parties). Steuber was inspired by his account of Dick Morris. The fact that he could just as easily be seen as Karl Rove shows the durability of the amoral pollster as a villainous archetype in democratic societies. --Celiose 22:26, 5 September 2006 (CDT)

Then you have the terrible speeches, and the ignornace of foreign affairs before taking office. Plus the enormous spending both on military and domestic programs. Oh, and an attack on domestic soil for which the response was... maybe we shouldn't get into this one on the wiki. The hawks and doves are reversed, of course, as is the position on corporations. But Sandra is Condi. And if I can get my ass in gear, you'll have a really unpleasant occupation in 3T.
Oh, and better-loved predecessor? Check, no matter how much Clinton is demonized by the right. He has a slick image like Rhodes does; fortunately for Rhodes, Tasnican politics are way more civil than American politics. Stacia Apelbaum didn't devote her entire career to talking about Rhodes's penis. --Xstryker 08:24, 6 September 2006 (CDT)