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PACO stands for the Pilot Assistant Combat Operator. It is a software program designed by the Kuat Consortium to assist mecha pilots. PACO can perform many tasks to free up the time, energy, and attention of the pilot. Between battles, PACO can manage the mecha's inertial navigation system and act as an autopilot; in the event of any damage to the mecha, PACO can advise on repairs. During combat PACO can help manage the sensor system and bring certain targets to the pilot's attention; PACO comes with a sophisticated "warbook" database with known information on many of the Web's combat vehicles. PACO can also execute pre-planned maneuvers; it can, for example, run the mecha through a specific route while the pilot focuses on aiming and firing. In the event the pilot is rendered incapacitated but the mecha is still functional, PACO can be programmed to return the mecha to base (or trigger the machine's self-destruct sequence.)

PACO comes standard on all mecha sold and produced by the Kuat Consortium, and is also available for independent installation.