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==Decadence and Decline==
==Decadence and Decline==
Nothing lasts forever, and during [[Kupopolis Legends]], the Kracian city states are already squabbling again. Philosophy, once concerned with questions of ethics and virtue, has become increasingly obssessed with pointless debate and sophistry. Religion comes to be dominated more and more by mystic cults, including [[Chrystalis]], [[Thanatos]], and more esoteric dieties such as [[Dafduc]], God of Frustration, and [[Trenion]], Lord of Rebirth. More and more actual work in the cities was done by slaves. The Kracian cities were eventually surpassed by the great cities of [[Euser continent]], though it would take several more centuries for Woldheim to come under the rule of the [[Vandole Empire]].
Nothing lasts forever, and during [[Kupopolis Legends]], the Kracian city states are already squabbling again. Philosophy, once concerned with questions of ethics and virtue, has become increasingly obssessed with pointless debate and sophistry. Religion comes to be dominated more and more by mystic cults, including [[Chrystalis]], [[Thanatos]], and more esoteric dieties such as [[Dafduc]], God of Frustration, and [[Dralmoxis]], Lord of Rebirth. More and more actual work in the cities was done by slaves. The Kracian cities were eventually surpassed by the great cities of [[Euser continent]], though it would take several more centuries for Woldheim to come under the rule of the [[Vandole Empire]].
==Kracian Way of War==
==Kracian Way of War==

Latest revision as of 10:50, 26 June 2008

The Kracians are an ancient civilization in the Mana Dimension, one of the earliest sophistated civilizations to arise in that dimension. During Kupopolis Legends, Krace is probably the most advanced civilization in the World of Mana, although it is starting to show signs of its inevitable decline.

Rise of Krace

Greater (southern) Woldheim is a sunny and fertile continent. Kracian cities originally arose atop the hills of the region. These cities, built of stone and marble, were ruled by an oligarchy. Although the specific title of the oligarchs varied from city to city, they were (in theory) the wisest and most educated men in the city, philosopher-kings in the truest sense of the word. Under their enlightened leadership, the Kracian cities produced great works of philosophy, science, art, and engineering. They came to include public bath houses and great aqueducts, as well as some of the largest temples to the Elements and Chrystalis in the ancient world.

Although the practice of Elementalism and Mana Elementalist Magic go back to time immemorial, the Kracians were the first to record such practices. Indeed, by taking a "scientific" approach to magic, they were certainly the first Mana Mages (Mana Priests have existed as far back as anyone can tell.) In religious terms, Kracians were Elementalists, although in matters of ethics and morality they preferred to be guided by reason and philosophy.

Nonetheless, Krace had to face many external threats and danger. Many beastial half-men roamed the continent. Eradicating the Pebbler menace took several years.

Contact with the Taznikanze

Kedir the Black had heard tales of a fantastic civilization on an entirely different continent. Naturally, he had to go fight them. Around 2500 WB (about a thousand years before Legends), Kedir made an epic voyage and "discovered" Woldheim. He began looting and pillaging everything in sight, leading the Kracians to declare the Taznikanze demons and monsters. The Taznikanze, who at the time did not even have a written language, were fascinated by these amazing cities, and brought back stories that the rumors of Krace were true. Ambitious Taznikanze traders followed the raiders, and established more peaceful relations.

Several centuries later, Hauscarl the Lionheart's conquest opened a new floodgate of trade. It was around this time the Taznikanze invented the Geld Piece, so as to have a medium of trade suitable to both continents. Kracian philosophy, engineering and science became famous throughout the world. Noblemen and wealthy merchants paid to have their sons and daughters educated in Krace; speaking Kracian was the mark of a learned person up to the First Mana War.

War against the Centaurs

The Kracians had made several attempts at colonizing the northern continent (Lesser Woldheim), and most of them had failed. Populated with Centaurs and Minotaurs, these demihumans (collectively referred to as the Boagriosae) were a constant nuisance. However, under the leadership of several powerful Cyclopes, the Centaurs banded together and made war on Krace. Only by putting aside their differences and uniting as one could the Kracian city-states achieve victory, pushing back the threat and conquering the Lesser Woldheim once and for all. The epic struggle and spirit of unity sparked a great flourishing; the period after the war is regarded as a Golden Age for Krace.

Decadence and Decline

Nothing lasts forever, and during Kupopolis Legends, the Kracian city states are already squabbling again. Philosophy, once concerned with questions of ethics and virtue, has become increasingly obssessed with pointless debate and sophistry. Religion comes to be dominated more and more by mystic cults, including Chrystalis, Thanatos, and more esoteric dieties such as Dafduc, God of Frustration, and Dralmoxis, Lord of Rebirth. More and more actual work in the cities was done by slaves. The Kracian cities were eventually surpassed by the great cities of Euser continent, though it would take several more centuries for Woldheim to come under the rule of the Vandole Empire.

Kracian Way of War

Kracian methods for warfare as famous as their other achievements. Whereas the Taznikanze were known for their ferocity, Kracians were known for their disciipline. (The Serinissima Centwerp took the logical step of combining the two in the Volturnian Guard.) The core of the Kracian force was the heavily armoured hoplite, equipped with a large round shield, long spear, and heavy bronze cuirass. Hoplites fought in a dense phalanx formation, presenting an impregnable wall of shields and a bristling array of spears. Teamwork was essential, as every man's shield covered the person to his left. (This left SOMEONE on the far right of the line uncovered; by tradition, the strategosItalic text' (general) would fight in the exposed position.) The hoplite formation was screened by light troops, mostly javelineers known as peltasts. Krace was mostly poor horse country, so cavalry was underdeveloped. However, chatiots (pulled by centaur slaves) were used when mobility was needed. These charriots could be devestating against poorly-disciplined forces. Magic users were always deployed "safely" well behind the hoplites, with a small detachment guards. Magic users were too valuable to risk on the front lines, and so they tended to use long range attack and "buffing" spells.