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(Big time spoilers for those of y'all who haven't read the latest Moonchild posts in Esper.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 11:30, 26 October 2006


Birthday: April 4
Age: 32
Race: Half-Hylian, Half-Gerudo
Birthplace: Death Mountain, Hyland/Light Dimension
Sex: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs


Occupation: Drummer of Moonchild
Religion: None
Martial Status: Single
Nicknames and Titles: Red
Hobbies: Drinking, smoking, motorcycles, larceny


Rachel is the eldest child of Shana Cole, her father being Shana's first husband, the infamous Hyrulean warlord/sorcerer Ganondorf Dragmire. Her birth name is Xal'Raïna Dragmire, though Rachel has no knowledge of this, nor does she have any memory of her birth parents. During one of Shana's rare lucid moments when she was still under the domination of Ganon, the assassin tried to leave him. Fearing she would fail, she decided to give her daughter up to save her from becoming a brainwashed tool of Ganon the way she did, and took her to the last place in the world he'd think to look--a small orphanage in Yar ter Marak, Ticondera. She left her the Triforce necklace that was her birthright as a Princess of the Hyrulean royal family, and never saw her again.

Rachel's childhood was less than idyllic. Though the matron of the orphanage was quite kind, Rachel constantly got into fights and could never co-exist in harmony with the other children. She was a troubled child, stealing and getting into all sorts of trouble; she acted out largely to get attention. She dropped out of high school and joined an all-female biker gang, landing in and out of jail, where she met another petty thief who was heavily involved in the Ticonderan glam rock scene.

Rachel dove head first into the sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll lifestyle, and eventually learned to play the drums. Her natural talent and wild reputation got her noticed in a hurry among people in the scene, and it led her to join several bands, most notably Tasnika Über Alles. During her stint in TUA, she met Alexei Pashkarov, and the two immediately hit it off, becoming the best of friends. They partied together, got into gunfights together, and were generally inseparable. It was Rachel who convinced Lex to step in for TUA's missing bassist one night, and it was Rachel who convinced her bandmates to let him join after the performance brought down the house. Lex returned the favor when Fabian Lysandir approached him about joining Moonchild, and spoke of Rachel's righteous skill with the drumkit.

She has a giant chip on her shoulder and so many abandonment issues, one could more accurately call them subscriptions. Rachel ostensibly wants to make money in order to make the world kiss her hindquarters, but in reality she's still a wounded little girl who simply wants to be loved. In Moonchild, she's found the family she's always wanted and never really had, and is fiercely loyal to her bandmates.