The Once and Future King of Whalebone Ave

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In 38 WR, "The King of Whalebone Ave" Allan Seabairne was killed, and his criminal empire in Pell fell apart. Only problem is, he didn't STAY dead. Now he wants to repair his empire.


  • Seabairne has reclaimed his old headquarters at the Broken Drum from incompetent gangster Steve Varrius.
  • The East End of Whalebone Ave, controlled by Miz Rollsley and the High Rollers, has returned to Seabairne's control, quite bloodlessly. With it came control of the casinos.
  • The West End, anchored at Beggar's Reef, remains in the control of the volatile Joss Nathan, who is deeply involved in smuggling guns and drugs.
  • Eldersden, the haven of prostitution, is being dominated by the drug-peddling Long Rufus Rafferty, although Seabairne has been secretly aiding some of the Eldersden girls.
  • Seabairne is plotting the demise of his three enemies in the City Government: Deputy Director of Commerce Roger Jollins, former Deputy Director of Education Michael Belltonin, and Chief of Police Oliver Parks.