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An ancient race of reptilian humanoids. By all accounts, they are the earliest sapient race to have evolved in the Web of Worlds, and up to the point of their near-extinction in the Gate Dimension's prehistoric era they were the most advanced. (though some scholars dispute this -- see below)

Sub-races and Racial Makeup

The Reptites are not one singular race; rather, they are divided into three distinct sub-racial types.

  • Shazak (Green Reptite)- This is the most common sub-race, the one most think of when they conjure a mental image of the Reptites. They stand about as tall as a human, with thick green-scaled bodies, short vestigial tails and three-fingered hands that end in claws.
  • Exxen (Brown Reptite; Newt Reptite)- Physically similar in most ways to the Shazak, save that their skins are a dull brown in color. Exxen scales are also much finer than those of Shazaks, such that their skin appears smooth and shiny when wet. Exxen are amphibious, and possess salamander-like gills in addition to lungs and nostrils.
  • Gurrash (Horned Reptite)- The Gurrash are much larger and, generally, physically stronger than the other sub-races. The Gurrash are distinguished first and foremost by their heads, which bear three horns (two from the forehead, and one at the tip of the Reptite's beak-like snout) and a tall bony crest-fringe that sweeps upward off the back of the Reptite's head. This crest likely once served as a natural defense mechanism before Reptites evolved into upright-walking creatures.

As reptiles, Reptites are cold-blooded, and so prefer warmer climes. They also have an inexplicable susceptibility to lightning magic.

Near-Extinction and Re-Emergence of the Reptites

Reptites were once the dominant sapient on Gate III, and built a society of a surprising level of sophistication in Gate's prehistoric era. They had mastered stone and mortar construction, and had a barter economy that was largely reliant on the Reptites' tamed Dinosaurs as beasts of burden. Reptites had not, however, learned to wield magic, though several Reptite leaders had developed impressive psionic ability.

It is documented that a meteor struck Gate III toward the end of the prehistoric era, ushering in an ice age. Nearly all Reptites and Dinosaurs died off as global temperatures plumetted; those that survived did so by establishing subterranean settlements close to geothermal heat sources. Inheriting the world from the Reptites were the Enlightened Ones of Zeal.

At some point during their long survival underground, the Reptites developed Draconicism, and for the first time became a magic-wielding race.

Reptites began to re-emerge only recently, and have become a common sight in the province of Chorras. The Reptites and their priesthood are closely aligned with Chorras' governor, Dregoth.

Were Reptites the First?

It was Rajaat's claim that the Nu actually preceded the Reptites, and boasted a flourishing and prosperous society before the Reptites had established their kingdom. Very little archaeological evidence exists to support this claim, but some scholars are beginning to lend some credit to Rajaat's theory of a "Blue Age" in the early prehistoric era.