Nauquan Kurita

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Nauquan Kurita


Born 10 WR

Sex Male

Hair Black

Eyes Brown

Height 5’ 9”

Weight 195 lbs


Religion: Lunarism

Nicknames and Titles: Deputy for Military Affairs, Eblanese Kingdom Armed Forces

Hobbies: Martial arts, writing op-eds, swordmanship, body building

Favorite Color: Jade

Inspirations: Xsia, King Edge V and Queen Rydia I, Hannibal de’Zama

Motto: Greatness is our destiny and our right.

The oldest son of House Kurita, and Tahi’s heir apparent. Nauquan was too young to participate in the Great War and has spent much of his life in military preparations as compensation. As a result, he is an excellent theoretician but he has little direct experience with combat and war given Eblan’s pacifistic stance. Nauquan is fascinated by the past glories of Xsia, and has dreams of Eblan being restored to that height of greatness through the efforts of his House. Some wonder if he styles himself ruler of Eblan; certainly he wishes to become Shogun. One of the most radical Hemocrats, with a stance bordering on Fascistic. He sees Eblanese commoners as tools to his goals and is openly disdainful of the Provisionals (Eblan’s large immigrant population). Nauquan styles himself a modern-day Samurai. Haughty and boastful; time will tell if his arrogance is merited.

Nauquan helped lead forces during the Three Week War; it was his idea to attempt to demoralize Mysidia by destroying the Tower of Wishes with a barrage of cruise missiles. After the war House Kurita created its own privated regiment of battlesuited troopers, the Junsui no Rikkugun, to 'defend the purity of the nation'; Nauquan was designated the regiment's commander. These forces participated with those of the Eblanese Mobile Corps in support of Guardia and Bal in Merge.