Merge I

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The first world of the Merge Dimension is divided up into three major continents:

  • Tornal is the major continent of Merge I. The continent bounds the Great Inland Sea, which is divided into east and west segments by Torna Canal. Tycoon, Worus and the regional Merge League capital of Tule are located on this continent. The Dwarven Skull Empire's territory lies mostly along the floor of the Great Inland Sea, though they have occupied Tycoon since the Leviathan War.
  • The Gizar landmass is traditionally divided into the North and South Gizar Continents. North Gizar contains the Kingdom of Karnak and Istory. South Gizar is dominated by the Merge League.
  • The Crescent Islands are not grouped with any of the other three continents. The islands belong to the League.