Guardia Proper

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The main continent of the Kingdom of Guardia, divided into six prefectures. Guardia Proper occupies the northern half of the Gate Dimension's Western hemisphere.

Guardian Prefectures

Truce- Contains the capital city, Truce, along with major Guardian landmarks like Guardia Castle, Truce Cathedral and Leene's Square. It is one of the largest prefectures in the Kingdom. Arris- Immediately West of Truce, this prefecture is rather small and contains little other than the city of Arris and the GDF base at Fort Arris. Trann- Another small prefecture, bordered on three sides by Arris, Truce and Bangor. Trann prefecture includes Taban Island. The city of Trann is home to the Bureaucracy Building and the House of Parliament. Proto- A prefecture occupying the Eastern part of Guardia Proper, Proto has historically been the center of industry and manufacture in the Kingdom. It is home to most of the Kingdom's terrestrial factories. Bangor- Occupies the southernmost tip of Guardia Proper, connected to Dorino prefecture on the Zenan continent by way of Zenan Bridge. Bangor is home to the largest Grand Army garrison in the Gate Dimension. Keeper's Dome- This large island is considered part of Guardia Proper. It is one of the few prefectures in the Kingdom that is dominated by non-humans, with well over 90% of the residents of Keeper's being Nu.