Gold Tablets of Hara'ish

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A series of three engraved gold tablets, carved by an ancient Draggonethi priestess called Hara'ish. Hara'ish claimed to be the Seventh Prophet of Draggoneth, but was ostracized by the other six prophets, and claimed to have been violated and blinded by them. (though modern Draggonethi theologians dispute this claim, as much as they dispute everything else about Hara'ish's story) To exact revenge, Hara'ish betrayed the prophets to the giant Aluqah, who thereafter killed them (likely by stepping on them).

Later, Hara'ish felt guilt for what she had done, renounced her place of priesthood to the One Dragon God, and sought refuge among an enclave of il'Bleu priestesses. She asked them for justice, so they magically compelled her to carve out all of her sins onto tablets of gold. She filled out both sides of three large tablets before finally perishing due to malnutrition; as her writing progressed, she lapsed into madness, and most of the latter portion of the tablets is filled with what are believed to be prophecy.

Kupopolis Legends

Hara'ish's tablets were recovered by Mu in the World of Titans, and returned to Sung Chiang and Genruo, who used them to corroborate a portion of the Canon of Changes. Hara'ish's vision of an army of monsters in service to the Goddess of Desire matched a portion of the Canon's prophecy, and so Sung Chiang determined to seek them out.