Energy Chicken

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The Energy Chicken is one of the signature melee weapons of the Foo clowns. The weapon consists of a rubber chicken, which can often be harvested whole from Dark Matter nodes, which has had its body filled with Dark Matter extract. The chicken is then allowed to dry in the heat of the Quadruple Suns of Foo for eight days (wait, how do you measure a day if there are four suns!?...), after which time the weapon is ready for use.

Drying in the heat of the suns for... that amount of time... allows the extract to seep into the rubbery flesh of the weapon, charging it. The weapon is then finished with the application of hilt wrapping along the floppy neck, often done with stripes of old unicycle tires or zebra leather.

The weapon is then used as a flail. Though the chicken itself causes little damage because... well, it's a rubber chicken and doesn't have a lot of mass... the impact carries with it a powerful energy charge that zaps an opponent with Dark Matter damage.

Part of the coming of age ritual for Foo clowns involves the construction of a young initiate's first Energy Chicken.