Centurion Security Services

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Corporation in the Tasnica Republic specializing in security and law enforcement. Centurion is the largest firm of its type in the Republic, and has provided security for everything from parking garages to taking over law enforcement for entire cities. Centurion's VIP Protection Services have an excellent reputation; many of the Web's celebrities rely on Centurion's bodyguards.

Centurion also has a military side to their operations, hiring out as a "private military contractor" to supplement other forces in combat zones. With their experience in investigation and riot control, they specialize in low intensity conflicts. They have long experience supplementing Tasnican forces in the Tasnican-Ticonderan Territories.

Develops much of their own proprietary designs for small arms, vehicles, and other law enforcement materials, but relies on other corporations for their actual manufacture.

Not surprisingly, was able to make large force contributions to the Moogle Wars (TM) and Halberg's REF, which briefly earned it a seat at the AAA corporation table.