Bloodbane Mountains

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An immense range of mountains that stretches from the northern most point of Aryth to the southern most point, the Bloodbane Mountains have served as a natural barrier to whatever lie to the east of Aryth since the beginning of written history. But the true wonder of the Bloodbane Mountains is its everchaning shape. In the humongous mountain range dwell Zevins, massive creatures that can grow to be hundreds of yards long, that breath magic as most breath air. They are territorial, though they never stray from their mountains, and they are often violent. During their battles (which are rarely lethal -- Zevins often seem invulnerable, though two have been killed on record, by tearing the body in two through dimensional warping) the reshape the mountains, so that the mountains often have an unnatural, disturbed look to them. Never mapped and rarely tread, the Bloodbane Mountain range is a marvel to look at but not a pleasant trip.