Arn Kestrich

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Arn Kestrich was security chief aboard the Reinhardt. A Forest Clanner with a long history of service to the Grand Army, the old wolf's graying fur barely conceals some of his worst battle scars -- most obvious of which is his missing left eye.

Arn Kestrich
Full name: Arn Lycas Kestrich
Born: 1 WB
Birthplace: Tantar, Dragon Dimension
Sex: Male
Race: Forest Clan
Hair: Brown fur, graying
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Marital Status: Single
Family/Relationships: {{{family}}}
Title: Oberleutnant in SAGA, Security Chief on the Reinhardt
Nicknames: Watchdog
Known skills: Marksmanship, tracking (by scent), eidetic memory, hand-to-hand combat
Favorite color:


Arn was one of the first crop of non-Tasnicans recruited into the Grand Army. Before that, both Arn and his father were members of Halder Skalice's resistance against the Dark Dragons.

Kestrich's defining moment came during the Hivan War, when he was stationed with Model Steinmetz's Sixth Army defending Zenan Bridge in the Gate Dimension. It was during this battle that Kestrich suffered a head injury in close combat with a Hivan soldier; the wound nearly cost him his life, but he was thankful to survive with only the loss of his left eye. After the war he was awarded the Golden Sun for bravery and heroism.

He continued to serve in the Grenadiers until the formation of SAGA, when he "retired" and transferred to shipboard security. He's been on the Reinhardt ever since, right up until the moment it crashed on Avalon.

Personal Life

The Grand Army is Arn Kestrich's life.

Special Skills/Abilities

Even for a Forest Clanner, Arn Kestrich has heightened senses that make him very, very good at his job. He can track by scent, and unless overwhelmed by multiple scents all at once he can usually pick out the race and gender of whoever he's tracking. (he can even, if he's met the person before, know an individual by scent) Initially, after his eye injury, General Model deemed Kestrich unfit for service and attempted to have him discharged. Kestrich filed a protest, and after a month of mandatory physical therapy, he gave a demonstration to General Model and GA command that even without his left eye, he was among the best marksmen in the Sixth Army.

Kestrich also possesses an incredible memory, able to recall sights, scents and sounds with unfailing accuracy. His memory goes back years, as far back as his time under Skalice during the Great War. He literally never, ever forgets a face.