Acacian Riding Dragon

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Small bipedal and wingless relatives of Dragonkind, native to the Nidoan island of Acacia. They were tamed long ago by the humans of Acacia, and quickly became a staple of the city state of Termina's military. The Dragoon cavalry has ridden on these beasts for over a thousand years.

Riding Dragons are powerful, swift creatures with terrible tempers and temperament. An individual dragon must be conditioned to its rider before it will perform, but once a bond is established rider and dragon are nearly inseperable. They have limited use of a breath weapon, and their scales are resistant to most common weapons. Following Doan's Restoration, Guardian Knighthood experimented with using Riding Dragons as mounts, but the results were somewhat less than successful because many dragons balked at carrying Knights wearing their heavy enchanted plate mail.