List of Ticonderan Landmarks
- Beggar's Reef - Pell
- Brussian Airfields - Brush
- Cleft of Nicander - border between FTSR and Viper District
- Gulf of Ticondera - body of water at the mouth of the Ticonderan Crescent
- Imbrium Base - on Light III's moon, Tauroch
- Luze Castle - Luze
- The Nine Stones of Tauroch
- Pang Communications Complex - Pang
- Palace of the Moon - Eygus
- Revolution Square - North Viper
- Sobbing Kitten Theatre - Bonro
- TCG Building - North Viper
- The Flats - Zellis
- Tomb of the Empire - North Viper
- Viper Basin - adjacent to the Gulf of Ticondera and North Viper