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Revision as of 15:55, 7 August 2006 by Xstryker (talk | contribs)
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I corrected a minor factual thing: the SRAN wasn't an alliance back then. Instead, the EU basically forced Toria, Fabul, and the rest of the Fascist Pact to forego their own aerospace forces and use the Sky Riders. They became more of a treaty organization after they broke from the EU. I'll discuss it in the SRAN article. --Tex 11:26, 5 August 2006 (CDT)

OK, I messed up a bit. I added all the confederation members to the GATO category. Matt, can you set me straight with this? Do you want separate categories for Confederation and GATO, one category for both, or a category for GATO and nothing for the Confederation? And could you give me a list of the actual members of each? Xstryker 12:07, 5 August 2006 (CDT)

Well, I've thought about this quite a bit, actually. In writing up an article on GATO I ended up telling the history of the Confederation, since the former grew out of the latter. So, rather than create a whole separate article on the Confederation, I've simply directed all Confederation links to the GATO page. I'd rather have a single category for both GATO and Confederation members -- but, as you point out, some who were in the Confederation were not in GATO.
I think that, unless Nick feels differently, there should probably just be a category for GATO, and no category for the Confederation. The Confederation existed for a relatively short period of time, and GATO ended up eclipsing it in terms of success as a multinational alliance, being that GATO earned the status of Great Power back in the day.

Confederation members:

  • Medina
  • Guardia
  • Atreus
  • Esper Union
  • IJF
  • Kuvalla
  • Foo
  • Karnak
  • Worus
  • Tycoon
  • Bal
  • Surgate
  • Forthena
  • Altena
  • Bestia
  • Naba'al
  • Laurent
  • Wendel
  • Drogen
  • Windia
  • The Pasturelands
  • Highfort
  • Simafort

GATO members:

  • Guardia
  • Bal
  • Forthena
  • Altena
  • Bestia
  • Naba'al
  • Laurent
  • Wendel
  • Drogen
  • Windia
  • The Pasturelands
  • Highfort
  • Simafort
  • Guntz

United Fringe Nations members:

  • Forthena
  • Altena
  • Bestia
  • Naba'al
  • Laurent
  • Wendel

"Oops! It's just Forthena left, I guess we'll be taking the space fleet" members:

  • Forthena

This was posted by Scen 23:23, 6 August 2006 (CDT)

  • OK, I will remove EU, Medina, Atreus, and Foo from the GATO category. --Xstryker 10:55, 7 August 2006 (CDT)