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Later on, he would go on to found the oft troubled Dragmire line of Gerudo kings, many of which would share his name if not his amiable nature.
Later on, he would go on to found the oft troubled Dragmire line of Gerudo kings, many of which would share his name if not his amiable nature.
[[Category:Ancient characters]]
[[Category:Ancient characters]]
[[Category:Aurora's characters]]
[[Category:Aurora's characters]]

Latest revision as of 07:05, 9 May 2009

*** This article is about the Kupopolis Legends character. For the Kupopolis Proper villain, see Ganon. ***

Ganondorf was a quiet young man of Gerudo heritage and a long time companion of Link Darbinian. The child of horse traders, Ganondorf's parents were killed when he was ten years old, in one of the many skirmishes that sprung up in the far reaches of the Desert of Mystery between Gerudo separatists and their Imperially-funded Sheikah nemeses. Ganondorf's only surviving relatives were his two aunts, powerful Sorceress twins named Karima and Khalima. Seeking a more peaceful existence, the eccentric pair gathered up their few meager possessions and took the boy out of the desert, to the sleepy border village of Arendal, where Gerudo had often peacefully conducted business in the past. However, the unusual family was turned away by the xenophobic townsfolk, until the intervention of the village blacksmith, Alain Darbinian, and his wife Verena. They pleaded with Mayor Mirren to let the Gerudo settle there, as they had nowhere else to go. The Mayor finally relented, and offered them a small plot of land on the outskirts of town, next to the Darbinians' home.

Ganondorf's childhood in Arendal was quiet, but often troubled. At first, he endured endless taunting by the other children (the familiar "sand gypsy" slur among others), and many suspicious stares from adults, all because of his racial heritage. The open contempt stopped almost immediately once he started getting into fights and instilled fear into the other children by virtue of his larger size, strength and fighting skill.

Racism and bullying were not the only things that would mark his childhood, fortunately. He befriended the literal boy next door, a scrawny kid a little bit younger than him named Link, who was the son of the blacksmith. Link was the only child in the village that had shown Ganondorf any sort of kindness, and took to calling him "Gan" because his full name was too difficult for the toothless youngster to pronounce. The nickname stuck long after all his teeth came in, and became an affection. Ganondorf grew quite fond of him, even if he found him a bit irritating at times, and the two grew to be best friends. They often snuck out to fish on Lake Hylia, steal carrots from the fields, and got into all sorts of mischief together, much to their guardians' chagrin. When Link left the village to embark on the journey that would grow into legend, Ganondorf followed him without question, and became a part of it.

Later on, he would go on to found the oft troubled Dragmire line of Gerudo kings, many of which would share his name if not his amiable nature.