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Vyslin`s chief advisor and Prince Melsh`s tutor is a serenly pretty water tane from the Glory Tower. She is well versed in political dealings and often offers the most realistic options to Vyslin. She can be cold and distant at time, though she actually has many warm thoughts in her heart. She originally hails from Marabon, which is currently involved in political strife with Rodan, though she resents her manaphobic native nation. She also has what could be called an unhealthy "relationship" with her charge, Prince Melsh.
Vyslin`s chief advisor and Prince Melsh`s tutor is a serenly pretty water tane from the Glory Tower. She is well versed in political dealings and often offers the most realistic options to Vyslin. She can be cold and distant at time, though she actually has many warm thoughts in her heart. She originally hails from Marabon, which is currently involved in political strife with Rodan, though she resents her manaphobic native nation. She also has what could be called an unhealthy "relationship" with her charge, Prince Melsh.
Selected Major Cities
==Selected Major Cities==
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Baronne has a singular advantage of being located near the direct center of Rodan, equidistant from most cities and villages. For this reason and this reason alone, Baronne is often the source of heavy trade. Baronne is often looked upon as the place to go for goods, and it actually recieves just as much ingoing and outgoing traffic as the capital city of Rodan.
Baronne has a singular advantage of being located near the direct center of Rodan, equidistant from most cities and villages. For this reason and this reason alone, Baronne is often the source of heavy trade. Baronne is often looked upon as the place to go for goods, and it actually recieves just as much ingoing and outgoing traffic as the capital city of Rodan.
[[Category:Five Great Nations]]
[[Category:Five Great Nations]]

Latest revision as of 16:37, 1 September 2006


Rodan is one of the largest and most influential of the Five Great Nations of Aryth. Located near the centeral southernmost point of the Arythian continent, (though not quite up against the ocean) the Kingdom of Rodan represents some 1200 miles square, though some of the borders claimed by Rodan can be argued.


An accurate census of the Five Great Nations has never been attempted, but estimates made after the Arythian introduction into the Web of Worlds put the population in the ballpark of 530,000 to a 550,000 people. The population of West Aryth is entirely human, with not a single other race of sapient species to be found, outside of variants of human species within Aryth. The introduction of other races into Aryth, of which there are over a half dozen, was quite surprising to native Arythians.


Rodanese are, by nature, a very serious and hard working people. Their culture frowns upon laziness, and offers the most prestige and recognition to those who work hardest for the good of Aryth and their fellow man. Charity is also a matter of great prestige in Aryth, and those who are willing to give the most are often treated with the most respect among their fellow Rodanese.

Rodan is also no stranger to ceremony nor holidays. Once every moon the ruling monarch will declare a day set aside for Feastday. On Feastday, work is royally prohibited, and all men and women are to gather in their local communities to "feast" on the donated foods from their neighbors. Feastday is also the only day of the month when weddings are normally held. (It`s not law, just custom) Feastday is also treated as a day of romance and courting, when men and women come together and "mingle."

Rodanese garb is simple and straightforward. Whether man or woman, a pair of breeches, generally well fitting, and a comfortable vest is the common wear. Dresses are actually rarely seen, and then only on feastday. Even weddings are done in breeches, though of a far finer cut and design.

Government & Law

The nation of Rodan was established 18 generations ago by a group of scattered villages throughout the southern lands. The new nation selected their leader, a wise and charismatic young man (it is the way of Aryth to initiate rulers while they are young) known through history only as Lord Rodan, and named the country after him. The people also enthusiastically decided that the nation would be a monarchy, and that the children of the King or Queen would go on to rule. Lord Rodan wisely added a clause to national law that gave the citizens of Rodan the right to unseat the current ruler by popular vote, but so far the rulers handed down by Rodan have done well in their position.

The word of the Monarch is absolute in Rodan, but their actual responsibilities are limited. It is the role of the current monarch to make decisions that effect the nation of Rodan as a whole, and most communities are left to their local powers. Aryth being relatively primitive by most of the Web`s standards, rulers have few large political decisions to make. It is essentially their job to make sure everyone is as happy as they can be, and to also keep their home nation on good terms with the other Five Great Nations. The Monarch of Rodan is often with advisers, but only at his or her own discretion.

Though crime and punishment isn`t a large issue in Rodan, nor any of the other Five Great Nations, it does happen from time to time. However, law and order in Aryth falls almost entirely under the nation of Truklan and the Fire Tanes of the Glory Tower.


The Religious breakdown of Rodan is as follows:

  • Creationists: 78%
  • Originists: 19%
  • Finalists: 2%
  • Other: 1%

As should be obvious, Rodan is primarily a Creationist nation, probably due to their closer relationship with the Glory Tower, which promotes the ideals of Creationism.


In the past, trade was Aryth`s only form of business. Currency has only recently been introduced, and will not be fully incorporated for another two years. Rodan is chiefly a farming nation, and most of the trading is done with farming goods, including small grains and the abundant fruits and vegetables of Aryth. They are also, in conjunction with the Glory Tower, one of the leading producers of sarha, a remarkably durable, smoother than silk like textile that is expected to become all the rage in the Web of Worlds after interdimensional trade out of Aryth is established.


Although Rodan offered assistance in the Arythian War, there is no standing Rodanese Army.


Because of its southern location, Rodan is often very warm, but hardly ever unpleasantly so. They also recieve a lot of rain, quite a bit more than even the coastal nation of ==Camoore==. Their winters are mild, and it rarely snows, and they have few problems with storms and the like.


Current monarch of Rodan, daughter of the 17th generation before her. Was married to Cantar Oblvan, a Truklanese nobleman, but he passed away a number of years ago from a cancerous disease, uncurable even by magical means. Wise, straightforward, and friendly, the Queen is also widely known for having a rowdier side, which she still lets show from time to time.

  • Prince Melsh Rodan

The only son of Vyslin and Cantar`s marriage, Prince Melsh is next in line to become ruler of Rodan, though it is likely his own son will ascend to the throne, as Melsh may very well be too old when Vyslin either steps down or passes away.

  • Rodney Rodan

Vyslin`s half brother, born after Vyslin`s mother passed away and her father rewed. Rodney is younger than Vyslin by nearly ten years, and was not properly suited to ascend the throne after his father`s tragic passing, so Vyslin took the throne instead. Though she was never close to her half brother, and remains distant these days still, she has employed his continual services as the Whiterose Tower as a chief advisor. Though he is neither wise nor experienced, Vyslin often turns to him for comment, as it is sometimes the most honest she will get.

  • Aria De`Metteyta

Vyslin`s chief advisor and Prince Melsh`s tutor is a serenly pretty water tane from the Glory Tower. She is well versed in political dealings and often offers the most realistic options to Vyslin. She can be cold and distant at time, though she actually has many warm thoughts in her heart. She originally hails from Marabon, which is currently involved in political strife with Rodan, though she resents her manaphobic native nation. She also has what could be called an unhealthy "relationship" with her charge, Prince Melsh.

Selected Major Cities

  • Rodan
    • Pop: 75,000
    • "Whiterose City"

Rodan is the capital city of Rodan, named after the nation itself. Rodan is a center for Rodanese activity, and is visited often by other surrounding Rodan villages for their sensational Feastdays. At the center of the city is the Whiterose Tower, the home of the Queen, a modest palace built by Tanes 18 generations ago when the Rodan nation was established. Surrounding the center square for several miles is a beautiful park, created from the city`s original surroundings.

  • Sinen
    • Pop: 32,000

Sinen is a decidedly upscale city in Rodan that has begun to develop a subculture of its own. In Sinen, it`s currently the fashion to wear dresses, and to eat with the new tools presented by the rest of the Web, including forks. Sinen is one of the few locations in Rodan that is actually in favor of a speedier integration of Aryth into the rest of Web culture.

  • Baronne
    • Pop: 29,000

Baronne has a singular advantage of being located near the direct center of Rodan, equidistant from most cities and villages. For this reason and this reason alone, Baronne is often the source of heavy trade. Baronne is often looked upon as the place to go for goods, and it actually recieves just as much ingoing and outgoing traffic as the capital city of Rodan.